RingCentral Developers Spring ’21 Release Notes

John Wang
RingCentral Developers
4 min readMay 18, 2021
RingCentral Spring ’21 Release

We’re happy to announce the RingCentral Developers Spring ’21 Release which includes new core APIs, SDK enhancements along with new and updated Developer Guides and App Gallery.

Breaking Change Notice: Team Messaging media asset URLs will be provided additional security and require updated authentication on July 1, 2021. See more in the Team Messaging API Update Notice.

Please try out our new APIs and let us know what you think!

Office APIs & SDKs

  1. A2P SMS Send API Partial Send
  2. A2P Opt-in enhancement
  3. Embeddable Multi-Tab support
  4. Embeddable Warm Transfer
  5. Embeddable Three-Way Calling
  6. Embeddable Discovery and Dynamic Branding

Engage APIs & SDKs

  1. Engage Voice Persistent Auth Token
  2. Engage Digital Chatbot Framework Structured Messages Support
  3. Dialer Result Download developer guide
  4. Agent script developer guide
  5. IVR Script developer guide

App Gallery

  1. Recommended and related apps
  2. Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow Office

Office APIs & SDKs

  1. A2P SMS Send API Partial Send (enhancement) — Batch SMS sends will now selectively fail individual messages instead of failing the entire batch. Per-message errors are provided in the API response’s rejected array. Read more in the API Reference.
  2. A2P Opt-in (enhancement) — unstop opt-in keyword is supported in addition to start. Some carriers use unstop in their messaging, so this specific text is now supported. See more in our A2P SMS developer guide.
  3. Embeddable Multi-Tab support (new) — Users can now open and navigate to multiple browser tabs while remaining on a phone call. This is especially useful for CRM use cases where users may be navigating between customer account web pages.
  4. Embeddable Warm Transfer (new) — Enables conversing with the new consult party before transferring calls.
  5. Embeddable Three-Way Calling (update) — Three-way calling is now mature and enabled by default. There’s no longer a need to contact developer support to enable this feature.
  6. Embeddable Discovery and Dynamic Branding (new) — Better support for carrier partners by automatically navigating different environments and providing UI branding support based on user account.

See the Changelog for details on API changes.

Engage APIs & SDKs

  1. Engage Voice Persistent Auth Token (new) — Now you can create your own permanent token for Engage. This permanent token will not expire unless explicitly revoked and is useful for calling endpoints where a workflow is not possible. Examples include IVR Scripting, or Web Services triggered by an event. See the guide here for how to use and manage permanent tokens.
  2. Engage Digital Chatbot Framework Structured Messages Support (enhancement) — Add rich content and interactivity to chatbot interactions including select list (aka list picker), rich links (image, title, sub-title), buttons, carousels, date and time pickers, Apple Pay, and Apple Authenticate. See the Engage Digital Chatbot Framework for more.
  3. Dialer Result Download developer guide (new) — A common report used by customers and partners is the Dialer Result Download report. This report details each dialed call as a record for keeping track of agent interactions. See the dev guide here.
  4. Agent script developer guide (new) — Ever wanted to do more with Agent Scripting than just giving agents something to read back to a customer? This new dev guide shows you how to integrate a CRM into the Agent Console so when a customer is connected with an agent, the customer’s contact information is brought up automatically. Take a look at how by following this developer guide here.
  5. IVR Script developer guide (new) — New IVR guide for developers to show you how to log in to other services like RingCentral Office. This is the start of a process that can lead to IVR deflect operations.

App Gallery

  1. Recommended and related apps (new) — With the growth of the RingCentral platform comes an ever-growing need to help customers discover apps to extend the value of their RingCentral experience. To help customers find the apps most relevant to them, we now promote related and recommended apps and collections throughout the App Gallery.
  2. Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow Office (new) — One of the greatest values of building on the RingCentral platform is the ability to market and sell your applications into a rapidly growing customer base made possible by the new partners we are bringing on every quarter. Just last month, we added Rainbow Office by Alcatel-Lucent to our partner list and launched the Rainbow Office app gallery.

Learn More

We’d love to hear your feedback and use cases for these APIs. To learn even more about our APIs or if you have questions go to the following resources:



John Wang
RingCentral Developers

AVP Platform Products for @RingCentral with a focus on improving life through innovative products and software