RingCentral Developers Winter ’21 Release Notes

John Wang
RingCentral Developers
4 min readMar 9, 2021

We’re happy to announce the RingCentral Developers Winter ’21 Release which includes new core APIs, SDK enhancements along with new and updated Developer Guides and Developer Experience.

TLS Notice: We are decommissioning TLS 1.1 and 1.0 on our production API endpoints at https://platform.ringcentral.com and https://platform.ringcentral.biz on April 30, 2021. These have already been decommissioned on the sandbox environment at https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com which can be used for testing. See our TLS 1.1 and 1.0 Decommissioning Notice for more information.

Please try out our new APIs and let us know what you think!

Office APIs & SDKs

  1. High Volume SMS Message List API Enhancements
  2. Update Multiple Contacts & Extensions API
  3. Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Auth Flow API and JavaScript SDK
  4. Embeddable SDK SMS / MMS Enhancements
  5. Embeddable SDK Park Phone Call
  6. Address Book Developer Guide

Engage APIs & SDKs

  1. Engage Voice Permanent API Tokens
  2. Engage Voice Lead Actions Developer Guide
  3. Engage Voice Web Services Developer Guide
  4. Engage Digital App SDK Developer Guide
  5. Structured Messages Developer Guide

App Gallery

  1. Redesigned App Gallery

Office APIs & SDKs

  1. High Volume SMS Message List API Enhancements (new, beta) — The High Volume SMS Message List API has been enhanced with additional query filter parameters including:phoneNumber, dateFrom, dateTo, direction, and view . Setting view to Detailed will include the text body in the API response.
  2. Update Multiple Contacts & Extensions API (beta) — This API allows a user to upload multiple contacts and multiple extensions at once. This makes it very easy to create and share customers’ contact information with a group of user extensions with just a single API call.
  3. Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Auth Flow API and JavaScript SDK— In a client-side app such as Single Page Apps, the app will need to implement auth flow on the client side without a server. Therefore, the Authorization Code grant flow is not a suitable option for a client-side app, because we need to store the clientSecret securely which is not possible in a SPA or other client-only app. Authorization Code with PKCE grant flow is a new solution for a client-side app. It is a security enhancement for the authorization code flow. The application will only need the clientId.
  4. Embeddable SDK SMS / MMS Enhancements: Support for send and receive files via MMS is now included. Files including images and contact cards (vcf) can be sent and received via the Embeddable.
  5. Embeddable SDK Park Web Phone Call: A new feature to park a call so others can pick up the call using a parked number. Many retail stores use this ability to receive a call and park the call so that another department can pick up the call by entering the parked number.
  6. Address Book Developer Guide — Explore common ways to filter the Address Book to find users quickly. This is especially useful for operator and contact center use cases where staff needs to quickly filter the address book to identify people to either forward calls or bring in for consultations. Try some of these filters in the Address Book Developer Guide here.

Engage APIs & SDKs

  1. Engage Voice Permanent API Tokens — A new permanent token API allows you to create API tokens for Engage Voice that don’t immediately expire. These tokens can be used for situations where creating a full auth flow is not possible (example: executing a web service based upon an event like ending the call for a campaign). A full set of APIs to use these API tokens are described in the Developer Guides: Generate an Engage Access Token, Generate a Permanent API Token.
  2. Engage Voice Lead Actions Developer GuideLead Actions is a commonly used API for managing leads. You can move leads from one campaign to another, cancel leads, or even delete leads you no longer need.
  3. Engage Voice Web Services Developer Guide — Web Services are the webhooks of Engage Voice. They specify an endpoint to invoke with a message body and headers and are customizable with key parameters in the request body for things like Agent information, ANI, DNIS, and even call recording links. Once created, these Web Services can be linked to different events like the Agent Termination Web Service Event (when an agent segment is ended either from disconnecting or transferring the call).
  4. Engage Digital App SDK Developer Guide — The App SDK developer guide assists developers with customizing the Agent UI in Engage Digital.
  5. Structured Messages Developer Guide — The Structured Messages developer guide shows how you send enhanced messages to customers. These guides walk you through the use of these features and how to create your own custom agent experience and rich messages.

App Gallery

  1. Redesigned App Gallery — A complete redesign of the RingCentral App Gallery was launched to help our customers discover and install more apps. If you are currently promoting an app in our App Gallery, take a look at your app’s profile and make updates to take advantage of our new design. If you have yet to publish an app, take a look at the App Gallery to see how it can help you reach more RingCentral customers and grow your business.

View hundreds of promoted apps on our App Gallery. Sign into our Developer Portal to manage your Apps and App Gallery listings.

Learn More

We’d love to hear your feedback and use cases for these APIs. To learn even more about our APIs or if you have questions go to the following resources:



John Wang
RingCentral Developers

AVP Platform Products for @RingCentral with a focus on improving life through innovative products and software