The season for thankfulness

Tanja Hoefler
RingCentral Developers
2 min readNov 25, 2021

The last couple years have really been a blur with everything that has been going on in the world … at times it can be hard to really know what day it is, because it started to feel like the same routine over and over.

But with the approach of the Holiday Season, it’s a good moment to take a pause and focus on all the positive things we all have in our lives. It can be something minuscule as having made a stranger laugh by telling them a pun, but we all have things we value and sometimes can easily take for granted.

At RingCentral we want to take a moment and think about these wonderful moments and how we have been incredibly blessed by our customers and developer community. I personally think we have the best developer community, and want to express my appreciation for each and every one of our community members. Even though we haven’t been able to see each other in person in quite some time or even at all — we still check in on each other, engage with each other, and laugh with each other. It’s those little moments that truly add up.

I also want to do a humble brag and say that all of those in our community are truly amazing. Anirban has created over 30 articles and videos to help others learn how to grow and easily use the RingCentral APIs, Eric Mann has spoken at several conferences as well as created content for others to use to learn with, and many many more. But these are just two names out of thousands — thousands who work to help each other grow and build each other up. And I can’t think of anything better but for a person to take the gifts they have been given, and use those gifts to help others.

Thank you to all of you for creating an inclusive, welcoming community that continues to grow everyday, and helping others grow by sharing your knowledge! Wishing you all a very happy holiday season, from our families to yours.

