Walkthrough Documentation: RingCentral APIs, Automator, Community, and more

RingCentral Developers
8 min readDec 19, 2023

Hello there, and welcome! We are thrilled to have you join us as we walk through making your first API call to create your first automated workflow. Our goal is to make the process for you as easy as possible by introducing our solutions and welcoming you to our developer community where you can find answers to any development issues you may face.

With RingCentral Developers, you can easily build and deploy communications experiences that are both powerful and intuitive. Our comprehensive suite will help you every step of the way, whether you’re an experienced developer or just getting started, our goal is to make it easy to get up and running quickly using RingCentral Developers.

So, are you ready? Let’s get started!

Get started with RingCentral Developers

Let’s start with the RingCentral homepage On this page (and all pages), you can access the menu for quick access to the different sections of the RingCentral Developers site, including:

  • APIs
  • Solutions
  • Partners
  • Community
  • Support
Figure 1 — Homepage (Header)

Each menu consists of submenus that you can click and visit when you hover over the selected menu. A drop-down will appear to help you easily select the solution page of what you’re trying to visit. For instance, the submenus available under the APIs drop-down contains a library of APIs.

Figure 2 — Homepage (Drop-down Menu)

As shown in Figure 2, you can access the sets of RingCentral MVP, RingCentral Video, and RingCX. Each submenu has several categories to choose from. You can visit the overview of an API, whether you select Voice, SMS, or Video API, each landing page of the API categories has an engaging, informative, and easy-to-navigate interface.

Leverage RingCentral’s suite of powerful APIs

Figure 3 — APIs (Landing page)

RingCentral APIs allow you to take advantage of advanced capabilities all with a single account — helping ensure that these capabilities work seamlessly with your existing communication infrastructure, provide insights for all of your communications data, and ensure regulatory policies are properly applied.

You can access our set of APIs by clicking the APIs menu. On this page, you will find all of RingCentral’s API products for the solution(s) you’ve purchased: RingCentral MVP, RingCentral Video, RingCX (New), RingCentral Contact Center (powered by NICE), and RingCentral Events.

If you want to know more about RingCentral APIs’ capabilities and how-tos, simply click the ‘Developer Guide’ option below ‘Overview’ to see more detailed information from our subject matter experts.

Additionally, RingCentral Developers’ API portal provides a list of regions (as not all services may be available in all regions) and if you’re using one of our partner carriers, you can select them to see what APIs are available with your solution.

RingCentral helps unlock the possibilities for your industry

Figure 4 — Solutions (Landing page)

Next to the “APIs” drop-down menu is Solutions. When you hover over to the “Solutions” menu, a drop-down will appear where you’ll see three categories of solutions By Industry, By Use Case, and By Style.

Each page provides information on how RingCentral can help your industry and manage your unique communication needs (and regulations). This includes helping your industry streamline communications and deliver quality service by using our cloud-based voice, SMS, video, and team messaging platform; while also protecting your sensitive data. You can also access each industry by hovering over the “Solutions” drop-down menu, then choose any of the selections under the By Industry category.

Our “Solutions” menu also provides a set of descriptions of how users can perform tasks by using our services. Simply hover over the “Solutions” drop-down menu, then click any of our services under the By Use Case category.

For instance, if you select “CRM integration”, you will be redirected to its landing page where you’ll discover how you can integrate RingCentral’s cloud communication solutions within your CRM platform by going through the features’ descriptions of the page.

As a further example, if you choose “click-to-dial”, you will be redirected to its landing page where you’ll see more information on how you can use and integrate click-to-dial into your applications. Our “By Use Case” category intends to teach how our customers and users can take advantage of RingCentral solutions whether you want to place calls easily, automate your workflows, or send SMS or fax information within your business applications, accessing through RingCentral Developer’s Solutions portal can help you find the solution suited to your industry and needs.

Additionally, you can find our No-code, Low-code, and Pro-code applications under our “Solutions” menu.

Figure 5 — Intelligent Automation Builder (Landing page)

What are RingCentral’s No-code, Low-code, and Pro-code solutions? RingCentral makes it easier for developers and non-developers to create an application seamlessly. With RingCentral’s no-code, anyone can connect RingCentral to the apps they use every day, or even create a custom workflow/automation on their own without needing to know or understand programming

For instance, if you hover over No code: Automator under the By Style category, you will be redirected to the Intelligent Automation Builder landing page. On this page, you will learn how to create your own custom workflows using pre-built templates or our simple, drag-and-drop tool. You can begin by clicking the Get Started. You can also easily access the RingCentral App Gallery by clicking on No-code: prebuilt apps, where you can find 300+ logins and use integrations.

RingCentral also has low-code applications that developers can use to build applications more quickly. This includes:

  • Embeddable widgets
  • iPaaS solutions
  • Labs and open-source apps

Lastly, with our pro-code solutions, developers can easily utilize their preferred programming language to build more complex integrations. To help make development easier, RingCentral provides SDKs in 11 languages including Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, PHP, Ruby, and more.

Figure 6 — SMS API languages (Programmable SMS API page)

Learn how you can build your business as a RingCentral Partner

Figure 7 — Partners (Landing page)

If you’re looking to partner with RingCentral, this is the section you’re looking for! Next to the “Solutions” drop-down menu is Partners. When you hover over to the “Partners” menu, a drop-down will appear where you’ll see two categories of how you can partner with RingCentral.

Who doesn’t love building something great? One of our goals with the ISV Partners Program is to help your business scale. We can help you create your automated workflows and develop your integrations that are tailored to meet our joint customers’ needs.

Becoming an ISV Partner starts with building integration, and RingCentral provides multiple ways for our partners to showcase their integration in our App Gallery and through joint-GTM.

Another exciting program from RingCentral is RingCentral Ventures, our investment arm for startups.

RingCentral Ventures is more than a capital allocator; in addition to financial investment, the RingCentral Ventures leadership team provides guidance on strategic, technical and business aspects of running a startup across earlier as well as growth stages

Be a part of the RingCentral Developers community with our Game Changers program, forums, social media, and more

Figure 8 — Community (Landing page)

Discover all RingCentral Developer’s stories, announcements, integrations, and how-tos on the RingCentral Developers blog. On this page, you can learn more about RingCentral dynamic APIs, Automator, Zapier, and other all-inclusive cloud communication capabilities and features. You can also find RingCentral Developers’ socials by clicking the social media icons in the menu section of the page.

Figure 9 — Top Game Changers & Prizes (Game Changers page)

Our Game Changers program is a program designed to recognize and reward our community through fun and engaging challenges, including the chance to win various exciting prizes, such as electronic gadgets and RingCentral merchandise. As part of our Game Changers program, you also have early access to upcoming APIs and tools.

Got questions? We got the answer for you.

Figure 10 — Frequently Asked Questions (Support page)

By accessing the Support section of the site, you will find the frequently asked questions or FAQs that can help you answer your questions. From basic troubleshooting to how-tos, you can also use the search bar to type the keyword of the question you’re looking for.

You may also access the categories under the “Support” menu consisting of questions, topics, and discussions from the Developer Community. You will also find advanced solutions, integrations, developer needs, and other RingCentral cloud communication solutions that can help your business.

Build a powerful application while joining the best developers’ community with RingCentral

That’s it! We’re thrilled that you stayed and got to know your favorite sections of the RingCentral Developers walkthrough guide. Whether you are building your own app, exploring pre-built solutions, or integrating RingCentral into your existing workflows, our diverse set of APIs, SDKs, widgets, and developer tools are here to support your journey.

With RingCentral’s strong functionality tools, a full stack of APIs, and up-to-date announcements, your business can take advantage of its dynamic capabilities to tailor the way your business communicates to your (and your customers’) unique needs. We’re dedicated to always making our platform better and coming up with cool new features to make things easier, faster, and more fun for you — giving our customers an awesome experience for both their employees and clients.

Being fortunate to be constantly named as one of the best CPaaS platforms, we know the best part of RingCentral Developers is our community. We look forward to working with you on your journey to revolutionize your business communications and seeing you in our Game Changers program, our Early Access Program, on our forums, and at our monthly virtual meetups. And please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can improve — reach out to us on X (@ringcentraldevs) or contact us through the Game Changers program with your feedback and your ideas.

