3 great books to boost your creativity

Nitesh Jain


There are many books published about creativity and you can spend your time looking through many of them, but you might end up frustrated because not all books are created equal. Here are my main three buddies that I have perused commonly and still gain some new useful knowledge after perusing once more.

Lateral Thinking: An Introduction

For some reason a few people consistently appear to have new thoughts while others of equivalent insight never do? Lateral Thinking is Edward de Bono’s unique depiction of what parallel reasoning is, the means by which it works, and how to utilize it to build up your potential for thinking and critical thinking.


Edward de Bono defines four types of thinking tools:

  1. idea-generating tools intended to break current thinking patterns — routine patterns, and the status quo
  2. focus tools intended to broaden where to search for new ideas
  3. harvest tools intended to ensure more value is received from idea generating output
  4. treatment tools that promote consideration of real-world constraints, resources, and support


Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

A moving manual for innovativeness in the advanced age, Steal Like an Artist presents ten transformative rules that will assist perusers with finding their masterful side and assemble a progressively inventive life.

Nothing is unique, so grasp impact, school yourself through things crafted by others, remix and rethink to find your way. Follow interests any place they take you — what feels like a side interest may transform into your labor of love. Disregard the old buzzword about composing what you know: Instead, compose the book you need to peruse, make the film you need to watch.


“Try not to hold up until you know what your identity is to begin.” Self-information originates from innovative activity.

“Compose the book you need to peruse.” If you’re baffled imaginatively, take a shot at whatever is the best time.

“Utilize your hands” to recover the genuineness into your imagination.

Your work and your inclinations can merge to make something absolutely new, so “side activities and side interests are significant.”

At the point when you “accomplish great work… share it with individuals” on the web. Discover motivation on the web.

“Venture out from home.” To be imaginative, you may need to take off.

“Be decent,” on the grounds that the world is so little now that, like never before, habits matter.

“Be exhausting.” Everyday practice and a paying activity can fuel your imaginative work.

A Whack on the Side of the Head

A Whack on the Head is a book that merits some time. Roger von Oech utilizes a mix of clarification, puzzles, and contemptuous work of art in his treatise on imaginative reasoning. Individuals who see themselves as innovative will in a split second take to this book. Individuals who don’t feel they are innovative might be somewhat threatened by the organization of the book, however, in the event that they can lock in and constrain themselves to give it a possibility, they remain to pick up the most from the book. Perusing this book can assist you with stirring the creative reasoning procedure the vast majority deserted in their youth.


Mental locks can restrain your inventiveness by confining your capacity to scan for thoughts.

Try not to get caught into believing that there is just one right answer.

You must be eager to defy the guidelines in some cases in the event that you need to be innovative.

Try not to let your craving to be useful prevent you from utilizing illogical strategies for producing thoughts.

Be available to getting thoughts from fields that have nothing to do with the field you are working in. Give yourself a permit to act dumb during the inventive period of a task.

Utilize questionable circumstances to permit your brain to take a gander at things in an alternate manner and investigate numerous potential arrangements.

Mistakes are astounding for helping you realize what doesn’t work.

Your demeanor toward your imagination can be an inevitable outcome.

I hope you enjoy reading these books as much as I did and gain some tips to boost your creativity.

P.S. — All titles available on amazon.

