Notifications, Messages, and Error Handling — part 1

Silin Li
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2020
Illustrated by Silin Li. Some illustration components from Duffy Hu

Effective messaging instills trust in the system, communicates relevant information, and creates moments of delight for the user. A good design system should utilize the following components to deliver informative, actionable and timely messages to users when necessary.

  • Toast Notification (Part 1)
  • Top Hat Notification/Banner (Part 1)
  • Dialog messages (Part 2)
  • Inline Messages (Part 3)
  • Empty Screen/No Access (Part 3)
  • Complex Error Handling (Part 4)
  • Write simple, succinct but helpful messages (Part 5)

Flash Toast Notification

Flash Toasts are duration controlled. They provide information or feedback related to a performed user action. Flash toasts stay on the page for a few seconds, depending on how content-rich the message is and fades out automatically without user interaction.

Key Features:

  • Temporary and Timed. Disappear after a few seconds (time depends on content length).
  • Confirmation or informational message.
  • Not critical. Often does not require user action.
  • 0–1 CTA.

Different Message State, CTA Variations

Different Message State, CTA Variations


  • They appear at the top middle part of the screen and keep a certain fixed top padding.
  • They overlay the content beneath it.

When to use:

  • Use this for confirmations, alerts, errors or system information that are not critical or require no user interaction.

Multiple Flash Toasts:

  • There is only ever one flash toast displayed.
  • When a second toast is triggered while the first is displayed, the first should start disappearing before the second one starts to appear.

Interaction Rules:

  • It will fade automatically from view without requiring the user to dismiss it manually.
  • If the user hovers on the message, the timer counting down stops. When the user’s cursor moves out, the timer resumes and after a certain time, it fades out.


  • there could be 0–1 CTA (link style)

Flag Toast Notification

Flag toasts provide action-based messages or convey informational and /or critical account-related messages. They are used for confirmations, alerts, warnings, and acknowledgments that usually require user interaction.

Key Features:

  • Temporary but not Timed. Requires user to manually dismiss the message.
  • Critical information or system feedback
  • It usually requires user interaction.
  • 0–2 CTA(s).

Different Message State, CTA variations

Different Message State, CTA variations


  • They appear at the top middle of the screen and keep a certain fixed top padding.
  • They overlay the content beneath it.

When to use:

  • Use this for confirmations, alerts, errors or system information that usually require user interaction and are somewhat critical.

Multiple Flag Toasts:

  • Consecutive toast can be shown at the same time stacking top-to-bottom.
  • Up to 3 flag toasts can be stacked. (Up to change)

Interaction Rules:

  • It will remain persistent until the user performs the required action or dismiss the message.
  • It will disappear when there is an interaction elsewhere that signals users giving up or are finished with the current interaction.


  • there could be 0–2 CTA (link style).

Top Hat Notification/Banner

Top Hat notifications communicate a state that affects the entire system, not just a feature or page. It persists over a session and appears without the user initiating the action.

Key Features:

  • Persistent. Should only disappear once the related issue is resolved
  • System-level messaging, usually not triggered by user actions.
  • Critical information.
  • 0–2 CTA(s).

Different Message State, CTA variations

Different Message State, CTA variations


  • They appear at the very top of the screen, above the application header.
  • They do not overlay or cover the content beneath, instead, they push the content including the header down.

When to use:

  • It communicates system-level messages that are relevant to the user regardless of their place in the application. For example: no internet connection(offline), system down/maintenance and etc.
  • A Top Hat Notification persists over a session and appears without user initiating the action.
  • Use Top Hat sparingly.

Multiple banners:

they will be stacked on top of each other. Pushing all content down.

Interaction Rules :

  • Top Hat remains persistent until the related issue is resolved.


  • there could be 0–2 CTA inline style placed in the message.

Above is a general guideline of the toasts notifications and top hat banner notification. Special thanks to girija bhomawat for helping with sorting out the use cases and laying a good base of the guidelines. We’ll continue the discussion on other types of messages used in other scenarios…

