Learning DiSC

What I’ve learned from DiSC?

Last quarter, I have a chance to go through the leadership training of DiSC. I found it is very interesting and benefit for my career path. I would like to save what I’ve learned from that.

Alan Ma
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2020


What is DiSC?

DiSC is an assessments test of a series of questions to find out people’s behavioral differences and to identify which behavior type you are in. It helps to better understand yourselves and also better understand the people around you.

After taking DiSC, you will be able to:

  • Know yourself better: prepare better when you face conflict, knowing your stress and easier to solve problems
  • Improve relationships in the team
  • Enhance teamwork and be more productive
  • And most importantly knowing and understanding other’s behavior and personality

What does DiSC stand for?

People that is straight to the point and sees vision

An enthusiasm that loves to collaborate

Calm and doesn’t like to be rush

Believes there must be a reason for everything and details, details more details

So what DiSC style I am and what does that means?

In the last quarter, I am fortunate to have a chance to go through the 3 days leadership training of DiSC. I took the test before I started the training. The first page of the result said, “Your DiSC Style: SC”.

So, what does that mean? First thing first, no 1 style is better than another. Everyone has his own style and all styles are equal and valuable in their own ways.

Because I am an SC style, report said, I am steady, reliable, patience, and consistence. I think carefully before speaking, I avoid topics that will cause controversy. I maintain harmony. I am systematic and comfortable in a stable, predictable setting. I am a diplomatic manager and will make sure my team members have all the resources to do their best work. The more I read the report, the more I found out about my work and managing style.

Sounds good … all good things right? No that is not all DiSC about.

Now I know my DiSC style, the other important point is, finding out what others’ style are and how to work with them.

2 questions to identify what DiSC style people are

First, is this person:
Fast -Paced & Outspoken
Cautious & Reflective?

Second, it this person:
Questioning & Skeptical
Accepting & Warm?

What benefit you if you know what DiSC style of the people you work with?

Instructor of the DiSC training asked us to picture a team member that we used to work with and analyze from there. I include 2 examples.

I used to work with a coworker named Danny. The 2 questions method found out that he was a DiSC style I. He was a very enthusiastic person. When you asked for an idea, he will give you 15. He loved to hang out with people, make conversation. He was very high-spirited and lively. Problem I have with him was, it was really difficult to get him to concentrate on one thing. After identified what style he is, the approach that I should have done better is to keep his enthusiastic level up. I should have assigned him more fun, exciting and interesting projects. He liked to collaborate, then I should have allowed him to take the lead in a group. With his 15 ideas flowing in his mind, I should set clear expectations and ahead of time. Those will make him success.

Another coworker I used to work with named Steven. He was totally a C. He was very precise, systematic and analytical. He was all about details, Excel reporting, timeline, dates … Things that I could have done differently to make him more successful probably are, allowing him to work independently, let him come to me when he has problem, just check in with him once a while, assist him with reasonable deadline … etc

Those are the 2 examples of the people that I worked with in the past and what I could have done a better job managing them.

Final thoughts

After the 3 days leadership training on DiSC, I found:

  • Knowing what other’s DiSC style is, I can build relationship with other in a more effective way
  • Understand myself better, knowing what my strengths are and also my weaknesses
  • DiSC style may affect by experience, education and maturity of the person
  • All DiSC style are equally valuable and all can be managers

