A New Era With a New Brand!

2020 was a fresh start for RingIT — a new office, a new website, and a new brand.

Kadri Eller
RingIT Blog
1 min readFeb 14, 2020


To better reflect who we are — an agile and sharp-minded IT company — we decided to make our brand less corporate.

Our modest size allows us to solve the problems fast without getting stuck in the corporate maze of a large organisation.

The Japanese inspired shape emerged from various brainstorming sessions held over six months. And while writing down what best describes the brand we discovered that even our values align with the ones deeply rooted in the Japanese culture:

  • Commitment
  • Reliability
  • Innovation
  • Consistency
  • Skillfulness
  • Punctuality
  • Velocity

This is how the Japanese approach came about :)

The new brand also describes us better as a team: it is warm and more playful, allowing many different interpretations while remaining united as a whole.

See more about us at ringit.ee.

