How to be happy — boost your bliss in 6 simple steps

Alexie Frize-Williams
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2017

We all want to be happy — that’s a simple fact. But it’s not always easy to turn that frown upside down. Naturally, we can’t expect to be happy all the time. We have to experience some bumps on the road to fully appreciate the highs. But still, an extra dose of joy isn’t something many would turn down.

Therefore, here are 6 tips on how to be happy. All backed by science, of course.

Make lasting friendships

One study from 2010 tried to answer the question why religious people were generally happier. The conclusion was that this happiness didn’t only stem from a strong faith, but from the strong sense of companionship that a religious community brings. If you spend a lot of time with people with whom you form close friendships, it doesn’t take a scientist to conclude that this will make you feel good. Strong, substantial relationships with people whom you share meaningful experiences with make a solid foundation for happiness. So don’t take your friends for granted — and make sure you spend some quality time with those important to you.

Skip the small talk

Like mentioned above, meaningful experiences with people you care about are real happiness boosters. A study from the University of Arizona suggests that maybe you should change topics if you often find yourself talking about the weather.

The reason for this is speculated to be because a deeper conversation relates to the human search for meaning and to form connections. While it may be fun to discuss your favourite TV-show, it doesn’t bring much meaning on a grander perspective. Nor does it help you form a meaningful connection, which is something we as humans crave. Make an effort to dig a little deeper in your next conversation — you may be greatful that you did.

Learn to forgive

Holding on to grudges is rarely something that will help us feel better. Sometimes it isn’t easy to let go of the feeling that we have been wronged — but it will make you feel better than if you revel in your past. A study on college students suggests that by employing an attitude of forgiveness, people can alleviate their own stress. If you’re carrying some unnecessarily heavy emotional baggage, ask yourself if you wouldn’t feel better just leaving it by the side of the road?

Take care of yourself

As most of us already know — eating healthy and exercising is something that’s good for us. But a good health doesn’t only improve your body — it will also improve your mind. A healthy diet, regular exercise and satisfying sleep are all essential for creating a good happiness foundation. Even though it may feel like a hassle to go for that jog, just think about how good you will feel afterwards. People often regret skipping a workout, but how often do you regret a superb session at the gym?

Take a trip — or at least plan one

Vacations are a chance to see the world and to experience a break from everyday life — something that lifts the mood for many people. A curious fact is how one study found that people often experienced an increase in happiness when planning a trip, but not necessarily afterwards. That is, the act of planning a trip often brings excitement that levels back to normal after the vacation is over. Jeroen Nawjin, lead author of the study, told the New York Times that: ‘The practical lesson for an individual is that you derive most of your happiness from anticipating the holiday trip. What you can do is try to increase that by taking more trips per year.


It’s very simple: just smile! Science suggests that if you smile, and really smile — with your eyes as well — you elevate your mood. It causes a positive feedback loop — smiling causes happiness and happiness causes smiles. Even patients who went through a painful procedure reported less pain when pulling off a great smile.

So, if you’re feeling a little down — think back to a happy moment, and bring out the best smile you can muster! Soon your mind will catch on and give you that well needed boost.

