How to Mine $TTT-test on TrustNote2 Testnet — Beta 0.1 release

Sunny Liu
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2018

We are so excited that TrustNote2 Testnet — Beta 0.1 release is launched today. Comparing with TrustNote 2.0 Alpha release, 6 significant changes/improvements are implemented in this release, such as:

  • A deposit smart contract must be created after the miners receive his/her $TTT-test;
  • The mining difficulty is adjusted according to the amount of the deposit deposited by the miner;
  • The deposit can be withdrawn when the miner decides to stop mining

Then the questions are, how to create deposit smart contract, how to put a deposit and get it back? Is it the same way to get $TTT-test as in Alpha release?

In this tutorial, we will answer all these questions and walk you through setting up mining on TrustNote2 Beta 0.1 release.

Operating System

Windows 10 (x64), OSX 10.13.6 (Mac), Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04

Start Mining

Setup Your Super Node

  • Unzip the downloaded package
  • Run the executable ‘Start’ file to start mining service.

In the first run, mining client will create your Super Node address, please save this address before pressing any key to continue.

  • Click the ‘Start’ file again to re-run the mining service. Now the mining program starts running on your machine and starts data synchronization. Please keep this window open all the time!

Create Deposit Smart Contract

From the Beta 0.1 release onward, a smart contract used to lock-in your mining deposit must be created. When the smart contract is created, the deposit address will be generated at the same time.

Then how to create the deposit smart contract and get its address? It is quite easy! After data synchronization is finished, run the executable ‘deposit’ file to create the deposit smart contract, and the deposit address will be printed on the command terminal. Please save this address, you will need it to put your mining deposit if necessary.

* Congratulations, your mining rig is up and running now!


How to Get TTT Test Notes

To start with mining TTT-Test Notes you will need to have a small amount of TTT-Test Notes to pay for your initial transactions on the TrustNote 2.0 testnet.

Email sunny.liu(at), and send your super node’s wallet address and we will gladly to send you 10 MN (million notes) TTT-Test Notes. That is more than enough to cover the small initial transfer fee for you to start mining.

How to Put Mining Deposit to your deposit address

If you have TFans, please email sunny.liu(at), we will help you to exchange your TFans to TTT-test and transfer to your deposit address. For each single mining machine, the more the deposit is, the lower the mining difficulty is.

How do I know how many $TTT-test I have mined?

When you see ‘Coinbase Reward’, congratulations, this means your node is selected as an attestor and obtains reward at Round ‘current round -2’, Round 159 in this example. ‘Coinbase Reward’ is the reward your node obtains, the unit is ‘note’. Balance indicates the total balance of the node, ‘stable’ means that it has been confirmed, ‘pending’ represents not yet confirmed. And ‘Accumulated Reward’ means the accumulated gain.

For more details, you can also check from TrustNote2 testnet explorer with your address.

How can I manage the $TTT-test I have mined by using test-wallet?

The mining program itself is also a wallet, and the default Coinbase Reward address is your mining address. From the beta release, we provide a test-wallet to help you easily receive, manage your reward and deposit.

For example, change ‘exports.coinbase_address = null;’ to ‘exports.coinbase_address = ‘WB2MAANTWOLEWBE6IPSLKMY7AFB6AJ2H’;’

  • If you put any deposit during mining, you can withdraw your deposit when you stop mining, the deposit will be returned to your deposit guarantee address. The default deposit guarantee address is your mining address, also you can change it to your test-wallet by changing two parameters ‘exports.safe_address’ and ‘exports.safe_device_address’ in conf.js file, ‘exports.safe_address’ is your test-wallet wallet address, ‘exports.safe_device_address’ is your test-wallet device address. For example:

Please keep in mind, if you change the configurations in conf.js file, mining program needs to be restarted.

Thanks for taking the time to participate in the early testing of the new platform, and if you have any questions please feel free to comment below or contact me via email.

