TrustNote Bi-Weekly Update (Week 37~38)

Sunny Liu
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2018

There is no doubt the biggest news in the past two weeks is that the minable TrustNote2.0 testnet Alpha release is launched on the 27th of September. It is a big milestone in our renewed development roadmap, we are so proud we made this achievement on time and fulfilled our commitment to our community!

Now let’s start today’s update from TrustNote2.0 testnet Alpha release.


Since TrustNote mainchain was launched on January 8th this year and following up our development roadmap closely, the development team is busy implementing new features as laid out in the TrustNote 2.0 roadmap. Clearly, mining support is one of the most important tasks of the project. After the solid internal testing, TrustNote2.0 testnet Alpha release was published on the 27th of September, it’s been tested on Ubuntu Linux 18.04.1, Windows 10(x64) and OSX 10.13.6 (Mac) or the higher versions.

Download the mining clients for TrustNote 2.0 Alpha release testnet

Setup the mining environment is very simple. Basically, you just need to install Node.js and setup the Super Node, then start the mining service, that’s it! A TrustNote 2.0 testnet explorer is also provided, it can be used to check against your Super Node’s data synchronization status when setup your mining environment.

TrustNote Testnet Explorer

We encourage everyone to spend some time and try mining $TTT-test on TrustNote2.0 testnet. We are looking forward to hearing any questions, suggestions and even bugs from you, and as a community, all the contributions you make will be properly evaluated and rewarded as we always do. The detailed mining guide on Ubuntu Linux is available at our blog on Medium, more tutorials to follow.

Follow up the renewed TrustNote 2.0 roadmap, our next target is to release TrustNote 2.0 TrustME-PoW Consensus Mechanism and Hard Fork Solution on October, we will keep everyone updated by then.


To help miners to manage and transfer the $TTT test notes mined from TrustNote2.0 testnet Alpha release, we also released a new version of wallet for testing purpose, it also supports different devices if running with Linux, Windows(x86) or OSX.


Our Community Activities

Retweet the Translation you Like and Help the Volunteer Win More $TTT Reward

The final result was revealed on the 22nd of September, totally we got 256 likes and 229 retweets in this event:

Turkish wallet translation won the most retweets and its translator Caner Sevince (@thatpanicseller) won the grand prize of 8,000MN $TTT, and Sait Dogan Etiler (@saidphd_) got 3,000MN $TTT reward for the proofreading. The second, third, fourth and fifth place translators and their rewards are:

  • 2nd: Adrian Jetzer (@AdrianJetzer) 5,000MN $TTT
  • 3rd: Burcu Öztürk (@fiskivarmi) 4,000MN $TTT
  • 4th: Masaru Suzuki (@masarusuzuki ) 3,000MN $TTT
  • 5th: IYOES 2,000MN $TTT

And to thank the Turkish community for their great contribution to this event and in celebration of Turkish release of TrustNote Wallet and, we also rewarded 3 Turkish fans for their participation.

Congratulations to all and Thank everyone’s participation again!

TSDN Mascot Design Contest

The contest is still ongoing, we have received some brilliant designs. Please send us your creative designs before 30th of November to help TSDN have a friendly, fun, playful, and colorful Mascot, and a massive prize will be yours.

