Creator and RioDeFi join forces

Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2021

We are excited to announce that we will work with Creator on paving the way to interoperable Blockchain!

From day one that we started RioDeFi, our mission has been to interconnect blockchain networks. Creator’s team shares our belief that our 21st century world needs a transactional fabric that is more open, efficient, and secure and that interoperable Blockchain is the best way to achieve that.

Creator also relies on Substrate technology stack and we look forward to working with them on expanding the Polkadot ecosystem!

Our collaboration will see the integration of Creator’s Chain in our multichain wallet, joint research on cross chain communications and promotional initiatives.

Download RioWallet to take full advantage of new dApps integration:

About Creator

Creator is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that provides No Code Smart Contract and Low Code DApp and other services to empower the DeFi and NFT world.

Creator is developed to help individuals, entrepreneurs and enterprises effortlessly build their Smart Contract and DApps, whether it’s NFT, DeFi, or any other applications, in a cutting-edge and cost-effective hosting environment.

Creator’s chain is based on Polkadot Substrate and enables interoperability, cross chain communications and asset transfers.

About RioDeFi

RioDeFi accelerates the mass adoption of digital assets by bridging traditional and decentralized finance. Our vision is a world in which everyone has access to decentralized financial (DeFi) services.

We develop solutions that connect banking institutions with blockchain systems. Our applications enable lower transaction fees, faster confirmations, more efficiency, better returns for savings account holders, and global reach.

To learn more about RioDeFi, please visit:



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