I drank Liquid Death everyday for 5 days and it totally changed everything.

Truman Halladay
Rip This
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2019
A Cold One For The Boys

I have been Working at Reform Collective for about 8 months. As I began working at this amazing design agency I started to feel overwhelmed but eager.

I knew I wanted to be here, but I had to step up my game.

This was my first big boy job as a college graduate. Some might say it was hashtag adulting but regardless of what you call it… It was game time.

It was the big leagues.

I made a lot of changes and improvements to hit my stride at Reform, but there was one key change that made the biggest difference.

It wasn’t the in depth sprint planning, and although effective, it wasn’t the weekly one on ones.

It wasn’t the constant push from my creative coworkers to find, frequently visit and then eventually live in the details.

It wasn’t even the amazing products that I was lucky enough to help bring into existence with our passionate partners.

It was more simple than that.

As simple as 3 molecules.

2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen.


Not just any water though. Sweet canned water from the alps.

Liquid Death.

It unleashed my potential.

I was no longer focusing on my nagging thirst but instead liberated by complete hydraulic freedom.

illustration by Beech.

Some might say that I am dumb to share such effective trade secrets, and truthfully? I might be.

But as I sit cross-legged, hovering 3 feet in the air, with pristine dihydrogen monoxide ebbing and flowing through my veins I have to admit that I find your lack of canned water disturbing.

Liquid Darth

Liquid Death enables me to evict my thirst, like a disappointment of a son that has just got too comfortable living with his parents.

It’s not only the crisp liquid refreshment that is game changing but even the vessel it is carried in. It’s made from the most valuable material in your recycle bin, Aluminum.

You’re still drinking from single use plastic? Have fun telling that story to your grandchildren (That is if someone actually decides to procreate with a single use plastic user).

The bottom line is this: Your thirst is plaguing you.

Your thirst is holding you back from being the potent, productive, and powerful person you potentially are.

Baby Yoda Knows Whats Goodie

This is a manifesto.

This a love letter.

This is a plea.

Murder your thirst with Liquid Death and loose the shackles of a dehydrated life.





Truman Halladay
Rip This

I am fond of Design, Sci-Fi, Philosophy, and Chips and Salsa.