RipaEx project Newsletter: airdrops, targets reached and targets in scope

Giovanni Silvestri
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2018

Started on Thursday 22nd of March 2018 the Ripa Blockchain has filled all the 101 delegates slots available yesterday and no more genesis delegates are in place: thanking you for all the effort in setting up your delegate, with this message, I will notify you that the ₱1,000 airdrop will be in place until we have reached 400–500 delegates/rely nodes on the network to offer to its users a reliable network of trasfer of value to work with.

Thank You for all your hard work and wish you all the success in the RipaEx project and in all your entrepreneurship ventures.

1. New Explorer

Yesterday new explorer server have also been deployed to cope with the growing load of the growing network how this is: the delegate-monitor page is still loading slow as 101 calls are made to the API node to retrieve the delegates information and the ripa-node spike 100% in CPU usage to interact with the underlying PostgreSQL DB.
If you want to give technical support with this problem feel free to ask.
New explorer is reachable like the old one at the endpoint

2. Airdrops

As said ₱1,000 airdrop will be available until the network reach 400–500 delegates/rely nodes to give the users a stable network to work on.

₱250 airdrop for following our Facebook and Twitter pages still stand and you can claim that anytime: this airdrop will be available until we have reacher 1,000 users in our Slack and Telegram channel.

Various airdrops are in place for writing Medium articles, porting libraries/applications/frameworks from ARK to RIPA, setting up others useful resources for the RIPA ecosystem: if you have an idea for an article or for an application in Ripa feel free to propose it in our public channels or in private and we will reward accordingly.

Current ports from ARK that are currently in place and needs to be done are:

  • Lite/web wallet
  • Paper wallet
  • Mobile wallet (bounty taken: should be ready by the end of June)
  • RipaEx forum (bounty taken: should be ready by the end of June)
  • Porting of various libraries to interact with the Ripa Blockcain: .NET, Java, python, go, erlang, elixir, others languages…

Bitcointalk signature campaign airdrop will start by the end of next week.

Early Forgers airdrop will be in place by the end of July: we will redistribute all the forged XPX tokens by the genesis delegates to the delegates above the position 101. Be sure to get your place for this huge airdrop coming…

3. Ripa Exchange Development

As you may know software development is composed by five phases:
1. Functional analysis: how it works
2. Technical analysis: how it works in details
3. Implementation
4. Testing
5. Feedback and go back to (1)

for the Ripa Exchange software at the moment we have done (1): funds collected during the RipaEx ICO will be used for the others steps of the development of Ripa Exchange.

Functional Analysis for Ripa Exchange is as follow:
- CRYPTO <-> CRYPTO exchange
- 25 currencies from POW, DPOS, MasterNodes, ERC20 (if is in reach)
- Possibility to add WebWallets deposit/withdraws (OKPay, PayPall, NETELLET, others…)
- Log in via Facebook, Twitter, Goolge+, (is really needed??)
- FIDO Alliance security standards
- Separation between user registry, trading UI, trading engine, deposit/whitdraw engine

Where to put the dev environment:
- Amazon
- Azure
- ScaleWay
- Digital Ocean

Jenkins continuous integration tool, JIRA for task management, Wiki and development server will be in place by the end of July contribution to this development will be with €2,000 monthly for change requests, developing new features, bugfixing and others…

4. Ripa Blockchain Development

At the moment we are searching to port:
- lite and paper wallet
- libraries to interact with the Ripa Blockcian in various languages: .NET, Java, python, go, erlang, elixir, others languages…

A contribution of €500 / month will be in place for this porting: contact us to do that development.

Ripa Blockchain repositories have still a lot of ARK source base: while we will always trust ARK as our blockchain technology provider we will also port the latest features and refactory them to Ripa.

A new set of banners are coming for the RipaEx GitHub repositories and for Medium articles.

5. How much collected, bonus and RIPA TEC

So far we have exchanged 600,000 XPX (worth of 3.50 BTC roughly) in bitcoin, ARK, SHIFT and KAPU.

100% bonus will be in place until the first 5,000,000 XPX are exchanged: contact us for reserve your place in the 101 list.



Ripaex Sale Enquiries:

Bitcointalk ANN:
Whitepaper: Ripaex Whitepaper

Stay tuned to our social media channels, roadmap and blog for information regarding releases and any major announcements!

