A nonlinear note-taking solution — UX Case Study

Ripple Design
Ripple Design
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2018


To design a note taking app targeted at the creative user.

Market Analysis

The note-taking application market is filled with 2 major types of applications. 80% of them follow a linear based approach to organizing the data.

The linear flow used by most note taking applications

Some examples of this type would be Evernote, Bear and probably your native note-taking app.

These types of notes are useful to take down everyday notes like writing down your shopping list, etc.

The major issue with this type of hierarchy is that all the notes are saved in a list based view. This helps to keep things organized but it makes it harder to compare different notes and analyze them.

Reframing the Brief

To design a note-taking app which will encourage more nonlinear note taking and help analyze information simpler fashion.

Initial Concept

Final Design

