NGO Job Board — UX Design Case Study

Ripple Design
Ripple Design
2 min readJul 26, 2018


The Pro Bono app is an app made out of a need to do some good. Considering the number of professionals around the globe who want to help do some good with the skills they learned. This is to help those people connect to others who could use their help to do some good.


Make a digital platform for working professionals to find work to do in their free time.



For research, we started off by looking at the existing channels which are available for professionals, as well as NGOs who are looking for professionals.

After doing so, we found that people usually follow certain NGOs which update them for any work or such, and they help them when they can.


So the premise of this application became to connect these professionals to multiple organizations where whenever they are free they can find what is available to them and help them out.

Task Analysis

To get a better idea about how the app will run, we made task analysis for different scenarios to determine how the user would move across the application.

Site Map

A site map was made to visualize the entire flow of the application.

The sitemap for the volunteer app
A site map for the NGO app


Thank you for taking your time to go through this project.

