A Running List of Studies and Reports on the Generation Z Workforce

Kate Beckman
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2019

Millennials are currently the largest generation in the U.S. labor force, but it’s Generation Z that will be filling internships and entry-level roles for years to come. With the oldest members of Generation Z now entering the workforce, it’s essential for companies to understand how their youngest employees will operate in the workforce.

What better way to understand Generation Z than by staying up-to-date on the latest research on Generation Z workplace preferences, habits, and predictions? We’ve rounded up the top studies, surveys, and reports on Generation Z at work to help you prepare for the new generation of entry-level employees. Be sure to bookmark this page — we’ll continuously add the latest and greatest studies as time goes on.

A Comprehensive List of Studies, Surveys, and Reports on the Growing Generation Z Workforce

RippleMatch: What Generation Z Wants at Work

Synopsis: RippleMatch analyzed tens of thousands of student profiles and discovered how companies can effectively appeal to Gen Z employees. For companies to stand out to Gen Z, they need to heavily emphasize opportunities for professional development and the chance to grow with the company, along with offering an inclusive and collaborative environment.

Dell Technologies: The Gen Z Effect

Synopsis: Dell Technologies surveyed 12,000 Gen Z secondary and post-secondary students. Results show they’re confident about their tech skills but unsure about their readiness for the workforce. Senior professionals worry they’ll be outpaced by Gen Z.

LinkedIn: Gen Z is Shaping a New Era of Learning

Synopsis: A survey that assessed trends in learning and identify any gaps in what influences Gen Z to learn and stay engaged versus what L&D and HR leaders think they want.

EY: Gen Z’s Future Will be Brighter Than Previous Generations

Synopsis: A survey that measured Gen Z’s sentiment around the future of work as they enter the workforce.

EY: Next-Gen Workforce: Secret Weapon or Biggest Challenge?

Synopsis: EY conducted a multigenerational survey of 1,800 people across the United States to gain insights into what Generation Z and Millennials expect in the workplace.

Randstad and Future Workplace: Gen Z and Millennials Collide at Work

Synopsis: A report on the traits of two generations and how they will collide in the workplace for the first time.

APPrise Mobile: Workplace Managers Anticipate Big Challenges as Generation Z Enters the Workplace

Synopsis: More than a third of managers believe that Gen Z will be more difficult to manage than older generations while many also anticipate communication and culture issues.

Deloitte: Generation Z Enters the Workforce

Synopsis: A report on the generational and technological challenges in entry-level jobs.

Wall Street Journal: Gen Z is coming to your office. Get ready to adapt.

Synopsis: In this deep dive on Generation Z, the Wall Street Journal uses anecdotal research and aggregated studies to shed some light on the incoming Gen Z workforce.

Monster: Move Over, Millennials: Gen Z is About to Enter the Workforce

Synopsis: Monster, together with global research firm TNS, surveyed more than 2,000 people, across generations, to figure out what it takes to attract Generation Z employees and how Generation Z is redefining workplace expectations.

Accenture: Gen Z Rising

Synopsis: Accenture’s report on Gen Z finds that new grads hold traditional work values with a digital spin, and want an engaging employee experience that takes full advantage of their degree, including the digital skills they bring to the table.

Door of Clubs: What 5,000 Gen Z’ers Tell Us About the Future of Work

Synopsis: Door of Clubs’ survey of 5,000 Gen Z’ers reveals what this generation expects from their employer.

Indeed: What Jobs Are Winning the Interest of the Next Generation to Enter the Workforce?

Synopsis: Indeed looked at which jobs on their platform were most popular with Gen Z compared to other generations.

Lovell: The Change Generation

Synopsis: This report provides in-depth comparative research studies on the workplace values of Millennials and their successors Generation Z.

Comparably: Comparing Compensation and Culture Between Old Millennials, Young Millennials, and Gen Z

Synopsis: Using the data on its platform, Comparably highlights the difference in compensation and culture preferences between three distinct age groups.

Want to build diverse entry-level teams, increase candidate quality and build a brand that lasts with Generation Z? Get in touch with our team here to find out how you can expand your reach and find top candidates on college campuses across the country.

Originally published at ripplematch.com.

