Mr Universe goes Vegan!

Rise of the Vegan
Rise of the Vegan
Published in
1 min readJul 31, 2015
2014 NABBA Mr Universe Barney Du Plessis goes vegan

Congratulations to Barny Du Plessis who made the transition to vegan a few months ago and intends to defend his title of Mr Universe this year whilst being powered by plants! 💪🌱 Here’s what he has to say:

“I grew up as a vegetarian until I was 18, but I thought as a bodybuilder I needed meat and deassociated with the environment, planet and animals. I didn’t care about animals, I just couldn’t relate. But since becoming a vegan I’m now much more in tune. Unless you stand up and fight for what you believe in we’re going to have real problems in the world.

I’m getting leaner and bigger at the same time. Am now at 107kg and leaner than I have ever been at this weight. I’m as strong as I was when eating meat, if not stronger. Wake up feeling good, feeling positive in myself. The food is very very tasty and protein-packed as long as you have variety.

Ultimately we are at balance with nature and animals are happy, no more cruelty, suffering, exploitation, murder, raping of land and forced feeding and forced production from the earth and animals.”

Congrats Barny and welcome to the Vegan family! 💪🌱

