How to use Ledger Nano with RISE

Andrea Baccega
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2018

A Ledger Nano S is a hardware wallet. Hardware wallets are considered very secure for the storage of a user’s private keys in the blockchain world. Your digital assets are safe even when using an infected (or untrusted) PC.

Before you begin

Install the RISE app on Ledger Nano S

  1. Open the Manager in Ledger Live.
  2. Connect and unlock your Ledger Nano S.
  3. If asked, allow the manager on your device by pressing the right button.
  4. Find RISE in the app catalog.
  5. Click the Install button of the app.
  6. An installation window appears.
  7. Your device will display Processing…
  8. The app installation is confirmed.

Use Ledger device with Web Wallet

Until the new RISE wallet gets released you can use the RISE web wallet with your Ledger device.

  1. Simply connect and unlock your Ledger Nano S device;
  2. open the RISE app;
  3. open the web wallet. If the ledger device gets recognized you’ll be prompted to verify your address as shown in the picture below:

4. After verifying that the address is, indeed, the same in both ledger and the web wallet you could select the right button; this will redirect you to the web wallet dashboard where you will be prompted with all the account information, such as the account balance, recent received and recent sent transactions.

RISE’s Ledger Nano S implementation supports all kinds of RISE transaction types.

Send RISE through Ledger device

When logged in with Ledger, sending RISE is a breeze. After filling in the necessary data a new Modal window will show you the informations regarding the amount, the recipient and even the sender. You will be required to follow the instructions displayed on your Ledger and verify the information matches the information shown in the window.

Vote/unvote with Ledger

Voting and unvoting with the web wallet using a Ledger Nano S is really easy. Just click on the Forging menu and select the delegates you’d like to vote/unvote.

A Modal window will be displayed showing the informations that you would be prompted in the Ledger. Quickly confirm that the data displayed is the on your hardware wallet and sign the transaction by pressing the right button.

Register a delegate/username with Ledger device

Note: Currently there is no way to securely mine blocks using your Ledger device. Registering a delegate with your Ledger Nano S has the only purpose of reserving yourself a username.

To register a delegate you will need to enter the Forging section by clicking the “Forging” menu entry in the left pane.

A button shown in the upper right hand section of the screen will let you register a delegate by guiding you through the process. Always double check the data shown by your Ledger device with the Modal window in the browser.

Further Security Notes and Further Developments

Although the Ledger Nano S is a very secure way of storing your RISE, always initialize your account by broadcasting a transaction to enhance security of your account effectively reducing the chances of being hit by an “Address collision”.

Some features, even if supported by the Ledger integration, are not supported by the web wallet such as: Multiple account, account discovery, multisignature accounts and second signature registration. They will likely be implemented in the new RISE react wallet that is currently under development.

Final Notes

If you encounter any issue with your Ledger device and the web wallet, please join our Slack and drop us a line.

