RISE Core 1.1.1 — Mainnet

Andrea Baccega
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2018

We are thrilled to announce that RISE core version 1.1.1 is now available for download.

RISE 1.1.1 required 278 commits, 265 file changes, more than 23k lines added along with 11k removed. You can see the full changelog here.

The collection of all the improvements made since 1.0.0 results in a much higher transaction per second throughput. Benchmarks shows that the new RISE core is capable of handling up to 1000 transactions per second* with a i7–7700 CPU. To compare, Ethereum can only process 15 TPs and Bitcoin can only process 7 TPs due to block size limit 1MB.

Considering the current amount of transactions per day in RISE mainnet we decided to not “stretch” the current block size limit in 1.1.1.
The TPS indicator should be particularly meaningful for future sidechain operators that requires such high amount of Transactions Per Second.

The new update will have the following improvements, including but not limited to:

  • Atomic block processing
  • Peer banning — Delegates are now more motivated to keep their node online
  • Lightweight block and transaction processing
  • In memory block transaction validation
  • Node upgrade from v6 to v8
  • Typescript upgrade from 2.6 to 2.8
  • PostGres upgrade from 9.6 to 10.4
  • Database level constraints
  • Migration from pg-promise to sequelize
  • Restored topAccounts API
  • Restored PUT transactions API

For a more in-depth technical update on what’s new in RISE core 1.1.1 and how we achieved it please read this post.

How to update your RISE node to 1.1.1

If you are running a RISE node this release requires some extra attention when updating. We have crafted a script that should ease the process.

Please note that the update might take up to 5 minutes. Do not halt the update script!

To update, login your VPS and head over the home directory. Then issue the following commands:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RiseVision/rise-build/master/scripts/upgrade_to_1.1.1.sh
bash upgrade_to_1.1.1.sh

After the update script finishes a further database upgrade will kick in. You can check your node status by running ./manager.sh status inside the rise folder.

How to install RISE 1.1.1 on a new server

Installing a new 1.1.1 node is easy. After setting up your server with all the requirements (here ia guide), just issue the following command:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RiseVision/rise-build/master/scripts/install.sh
bash install.sh install -r mainnet

This will install the latest RISE node version.

To conclude, if you liked the content of this post please consider starring the RISE repositories in Github to follow further developments.

If you are a developer head over our Slack to get in touch with us and share your thoughts on RISE.

Please join our Slack for further development discussions.

