RISE Lightpaper V1 & Video

Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2018

We are happy to announce that the RISE Lightpaper has been published! This is a journey that has taken a few months together with the evolution of RISE technology and development. The document explains key aspects of the RISE project: problems RISE aims to address, who would use RISE technology and the tools RISE is creating for you to build your own sidechain.

You are invited to read the RISE Lightpaper V1 here. We would be thrilled if you could share your questions and constructive feedback to help@rise.vision. This will be version 1 of the Lightpaper, which we plan to continue reiterating, adding to and improving over the coming months.

Together with the new RISE Lightpaper, we have an awesome animated video to help you evangelise the future built on RISE blockchain technology. Please feel free to comment, like and share.

The Future on RISE — Video in collaboration with Darkroom Ltd

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As always, thank you RISE community for your continued support in our mission to create a future built with RISE.

