RISE Newsletter — September 2018

Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2018

Hello RISE Community,

In this newsletter, we will give a roundup of what RISE has been up to in the month of September. If you would like to receive important updates from the RISE team going forward, you can now follow RISE Official Updates on Telegram.

New RISE Listing

RISE is now available on Livecoin with BTC and ETH pairings. You are able to see where RISE is available on the Exchanges page via the RISE website.


Ledger Nano S Support

We are thrilled to share that RISE is now available for use with Ledger Nano S. You can see the official announcement and retweet this awesome news here.

If you would like to know how to use Ledger Nano S by Ledger with RISE? Read this guide to get started with keeping your RISE secure in the popular offline, cold-storage hardware wallet: How to use Ledger Nano with RISE.

Ledger now supports Hycon, Waves, Rise, FIC Network, Pirl, EOS and Akroma. These 3rd-party apps for Ledger Nano S are available on Ledger Live: https://ledger.com/live.
Open the web wallet. If the ledger device is recognised you’ll be prompted to verify your address as shown.

RISE Core 1.2.0t

We are pleased to announce RISE core 1.2.0t is in testnet featuring ProtoBuf layer, which improves peer-to-peer performance and efficiency. You can read about this here: RISE 1.2.0 & Protocol Buffers and see the Github change log here: RISE v1.2.0t — Testnet ft. ProtoBuf.

On the RISE node repository there have been 19 commits to development and 31 commits to all branches. On development, 151 files have changed and there have been 12,750 additions and 2,077 deletions.

We aim to release this new version of RISE core (v1.2.0) to mainnet in October.

RISE Web Wallet

Mart and Tobias are making great progress with the new web wallet. This month they have used a new testing framework called Cypress.io. Cypress is an automated testing framework built for the modern web which recently received seed funding for its technology. Cypress offers fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. Mart and Tobias have also focused on end-to-end test to simulate real user actions, ensuring the team is focused on delivering value to the end user. Continuous tests ensure that RISE software and code is of a high quality.

On the RISE wallet repository 124 commits have been pushed to master and 174 commits to all branches. On master, 77 files have changed and there have been 7,482 additions and 5,377 deletions. You can still sign up as a tester for future testing by filling out this form.

Here is a preview of the web wallet development:

Here is a preview of the new onboarding process for the web wallet:


We welcome a new developer, Julian to the development team. Following the completion of his Bachelor’s in 2015, Julian relocated to New York in order to start a FinTech Startup Studio, and while there became acquainted and enamoured by the Ethereum Blockchain community in Brooklyn. After engaging in more traditional Startups working in Full Stack Development for a few years, Julian decided to pursue blockchain technologies full time. He has since moved to Vienna, and works around the clock striving to turn the ‘Decentralized Dream’ into reality. We are thrilled to have him onboard to contribute to the development of RISE. Julian has been with the team for one week and already accomplished a lot. Initially, Julian is going to help with documentation for RISE. He has already built a tool for generating an OpenAPI spec from the RISE node, integrated the tool into the RISE node for samples and used ReDoc to parse swagger.json into the documentation site.

Another update from the development team is that Jose will no longer be contributing to RISE development. We thank him for all his work over the past year and wish him well for his future endeavours.

This month Anjalee attended the Blockchain Live conference on behalf of RISE in London. The quality of content at blockchain conferences has greatly improved over the course of the last year. We are excited about the progress of technology in this space.

RISE Monthly Statistics — September

The below chart highlights 74.59% of RISE (96,519,486) voted to elect the 101 Delegates and 2.55% of RISE (3,301,606) on 101 to 202 Delegates securing the network. 22.86% of RISE (29,579,536) is non-voting.

Total RISE Supply 129,400,628. Chart generated 1st October 2018.

To close on this month, we thank the community for supporting RISE and we hope to give you more great news as we progress the vision of RISE. Join the RISE community:

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RISE Vision PLC (token symbol RISE) is an ecosystem for developers, offering a platform for the development of decentralised applications powered by a community driven Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) blockchain.

Disclaimer: RISE is not a security, and token holders are not investors. There is no guarantee you will make any money from holding RISE tokens, and you do not own any part of RISE VISION PLC or any entity as a result of owning RISE tokens.

