RISE Web Wallet Rewrite — Testers Wanted

Mart Roosmaa
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2018

We have started the process of rewriting the RISE web wallet. Some of you have already heard about it from our newsletter, for others it will be the first time hearing about this. I want to quickly highlight some of the core team’s motivations and goals with this rewrite.

Why rewrite the Web Wallet?

We received feedback that highlighted the existing wallets were not user friendly and in some instances just stopped working due to legacy and unmaintained code. This is why recently we asked wallet users to use the web wallet only, as opposed to the desktop wallets. Given that a wallet is your access point to RISE that lives on the blockchain, it is highly important that the RISE web wallet is easy to use and reduces human error where possible. From an internal standpoint, the new wallet will also be written in TypeScript and this allows them to be easily maintained going forward. As the wallet will be written with React, it will be multiplatform reducing the need for extra resources to maintain different products.

First and foremost, we want the RISE web wallet to provide a great experience everywhere, not just on desktop computers. The new wallet will be responsive and have enhanced user experience on desktop computers and mobile devices. Furthermore, the new web wallet will be a progressive web app, which means that you can add it to your home screen on mobile devices and it will behave as any other app you installed from AppStore™ or Google Play.

We will also be adding hardware wallet support to the new web wallet. We want our users to have the option to store their RISE in the most secure way possible. Hardware wallets provide an extra level of security against computers or mobile devices that might have been infected with keyloggers or other malware.

The rewrite will not only be about responsiveness and security, it will also focus on user-friendliness and accessibility. We want everyone to be able to easily create and manage their RISE accounts regardless of how technical or non-technical they are. To achieve that we will be running various user tests against prototypes to gather feedback and iterate to reach these goals.

How can you help?

We will be starting our first round of user testing soon, and we need your help! If you want to participate in the tests, please fill out this form.

We look forward to sharing feedback with the community and creating an advanced crypto wallet for RISE.

