Welcome to the new RISE website

Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2018

At the start of April the new RISE website went live, which is available at www.rise.vision. We believe it is perfect timing with the launch of the TypeScript core to mainnet that our new site showcases the vision of RISE.

First and foremost, it was key that the new website was easy to maintain and the team were able to add new content as and when the RISE technology and project evolves. In this post you will gain some insight into what is new and how we want to build on this moving forward.

URL: https://rise.vision/

The Vision

From the outset of the redesign, we had one aim in mind for our new website: To be an open invitation for developers and community members to access our developer tools and learn about the RISE DPOS blockchain. To achieve this we had to strip back the layers of information on our old website, reorganise and recreate content to drive a more focused, concise message for our audience and how developers would engage with RISE.

URL: https://rise.vision/#learn-more


RISE enlisted the expertise of Darkroom LTD, a creative agency based in New York and Los Angeles, to redesign and develop the new website. Darkroom are known to craft superior products for distinct brands with services ranging from creative branding and graphic design to web development and film production. RISE will continue working closely with Darkroom for all creative design needs going forward. We thank Darkroom for being an incredible partner to RISE and their hard work in defining the creative image of the technology and brand.

What’s New

‘Build with RISE’

This section on our website was designed specifically for developers to access our Github and to be inspired to interact and create with RISE developer tools. We have also included a section for applications created using the RISE APIs and aim for this to continue growing as we build out the RISE developer community. Finally, at the moment our site links to the initial whitepaper in Github. This is being revised and will be shared in a PDF format in this section going forward.

URL: https://rise.vision/build-with-rise/


With the launch of the RISE TypeScript core to mainnet, the next phase of the project allows us to open up the involvement of the wider community. We have organised our bounties into three different areas to ensure we can involve community members of a wide technical and non-technical ability. All submissions for bounties will be reviewed and we are open to suggestions from the community to propel RISE forward.

URL: https://rise.vision/bounties/


We wanted our roadmap to reflect a clear and concise vision of RISE more accurately. Therefore, we have given an outline on the milestones we aim to achieve and the notable developments since the inception of RISE. It is important for the community to be aware that some of these items will be subject to change depending on testing and development resources. Furthermore, we endeavour to keep updating this roadmap as and when milestones are achieved. Detailed development updates will be reflected in Github and Developer updates.

URL: https://rise.vision/roadmap/


As stated in our last newsletter, we are expanding opportunities for talented, driven people to contribute to RISE and help to achieve development goals. We will continue to create opportunities based on requirements needed for our roadmap milestones for the future. Furthermore, if you are able to refer a talented developer to us and they start working with us, we are more than happy to offer a referral bounty.

URL: https://rise.vision/careers/


In addition to the website being in English, we have made the website available in Korean, Japanese and Chinese. This does use Google translate, therefore, we know there may be some discrepancies. In the future, we aim to increase these options once we gain a better understanding of the most required languages from our community.

Alike our platform which will allow developers to build upon it, we take this same concept with our new website. The design of the new website, allows us to create new elements quickly and easily as our vision evolves. As mentioned this is a new website, so we are open to suggestions and feedback.

We hope you enjoy exploring and sharing the new RISE website!

The RISE Team

