Announcing our Ambassador Program

Hugo Finkelstein
Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2019

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our ambassador program for freelancers. You can become an ambassador today!

We are building Rise with one goal in mind, to revolutionize the workplace and open up a whole new world of possibilities to independent professionals by facilitating cost efficient and peer-to-peer transactions.

Our vision and mission gravitate around our community, and so will the power of our platform. We have built an ambassador program which will reward those who believe in our values and our mission to change the way independent professionals work.

Join Our Community. Become a Rise ambassador

Together, we can change the way people work. We can create a marketplace where independent professionals and their clients can collaborate with full transparency, full trust and full efficiency even continents apart.

For more about the program, please check out this detailed post.

You’ll find information about eligibility and perks.

Through this ambassador program and with your help, we believe our community will grow and evolve into one suited for the workplace we envision: one that is based on trust.

Let’s rise together!

What is Rise? Rise is a marketplace that facilitates digital works trade between independent professionals and their clients. Sign up today

