Freelancers vs. Coronavirus: 7 Tools to Excel Remotely

Isabela Ami
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2021

With 2020 bringing the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic and a global shutdown, the time has never been better to become more comfortable working remotely. As a freelancer, staying on top of tasks, regardless of market conditions, has always been a challenge, especially for those starting out.

The tools listed below are just some of the most useful available for freelancers managing their projects, connecting with clients, and succeeding as a remote workforce.


Being an independent professional means keeping track of multiple projects at one time. With a variety of items to keep track of, Trello allows you to have your own virtual corkboard. Boards can easily be moved from to-do’s to completed tasks, making your board an excellent way to visualize your things to get done.

Trello is a proven tool for individuals, as well as bigger companies like Google and Adobe. Users are able to integrate with tools like Slack and Salesforce as well, making it one of the best project management tools out there.

Alternatives: Asana, Airtable


With work environments shifting from offices to homes, staying present and focused has become increasingly harder. Staying on task and not checking out the latest subreddit is more difficult without the right self-control. Studies have shown that the average person’s attention span has reduced with the advent of social media among other things.

Forest is an app that helps you stay focused on the important things in life. The app acts as a timer, building a virtual tree depending on the amount of time spent away from your phone. Forest partners with Trees for the Future and plants real-life trees, based on the amount of time a user spends away from their phone. Using an incentive of doing actual good makes being present that much more fulfilling.

Alternatives: Focus Keeper, Toggl

