Why Startups & Agencies are a perfect match for Freelancers

Hugo Finkelstein
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2020

What drives employees to become freelancers?

The most popular answer we have received is freedom, but what kind of freedom? There are usually four ways freedom can be experimented:

  • Freedom of location
  • Freedom of hours
  • Freedom of choosing your own client
  • The feeling of ownership you get once you become independent

It is no wonder why the number of freelancers in the global workforce has seen explosive growth for the past few years and is not looking to stop anytime soon. The shift to remote and independent work has been re-shaping organizational structures and operations. Companies have had to change their point of view on the matter and are nowadays open to independent and remote workers. As a matter of fact, some companies now “force” employees to take one remote day a week.

As the title of this blog implies, we’re here to tell you why agencies and startups are a perfect match for independent professionals. There are two main factors that will back our arguments: scalability & cost.

For more about agencies’ and startups’ needs for independent professionals, refer to this blog post.

What is Rise? Rise is a marketplace that facilitates digital works trade between independent professionals and their clients. Sign up today

