Space and Time

What happens After you Blink Once

Life and Death 🥀
2 min readMay 17, 2024


This Book by Author Bushra Ijaz
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Once you close your eyes after blinking once, you’ll be in the grip of a universe, where a multitude of cosmic events continue. Innumerable stars evolve along the road of their lifetime and some of them are able to supernova spectacularly, thus shatter themselves into pieces which are migrating around the universe, and others are being born in the whirlpools of the dust and gas of the nursery of stars. The emerging stars choose to have lifetime that will be beautiful to forget and faded into obscurity even earlier than it was born, within the ongoing game of the creation and the destruction. Stars, turning on their places, are ringed by their moons that write their own speech through darkness and super-clusters that drift through the fluidity of cosmic tapestry, held together by the variation of gravity. While this cosmic performance is occurring, black holes play a role as gravitational browbeaters and spacetime distorters, or galaxies do collide and merge, causing some new celestial bodies variations.

