Day 1- Idea — Bazingaa!

Rishi Day
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2017

We unveiled the Rishi day today on the 28th of July 2017. Rishi day is celebrated in the memory of an alumni Rishi. He was a person who lived each moment. Rishi day is a week long process in which we explore how science can be used in different fields, different ways, and for different purposes. Why only science in the memory of Rishi? Well he was really passionate about science and the wonders of science.

This year there are 18 groups, all working towards the same goal, but in different ways. We have to create a product that can help specially abled, it can be used in the future, or it could be used now, all in all it should have innovation and science.

Our group “ Bazingaa! ” decided that we would make a product that helped people suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). An individual with ADHD finds it much more difficult to focus on something without being distracted. He/she is likely to have greater difficulty in controlling what he/she is doing or saying and is less able to control how much physical activity is appropriate for a particular situation compared to somebody without ADHD. In other words, a person with ADHD is much more impulsive and restless.

Stay tuned to know what product are we going to make, and how does this one week journey go. It’s going to culminate on the 4th of August 2017.

Signing off

Team Bazingaa!

