Day 5- Final product decided

Rishi Day
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2017

Today we finally decide what should we make, and what should our issue be. Well we had an idea and were going to make our first prototype today, but the idea we had would have taken more time. So we took a practical decision and changed our issue first from ADHD to deafness. Then we did some research on what are the problems faced by deaf people. After the research what we realized that either deaf people are unemployed, or are forced to quit their job as they are not able to give their best.

So we decided to make a product that would help deaf people get employed. We are now going to make a product that helps deaf people work much more efficiently in a restaurant.

Our product is a small button like structure which vibrates when a person clicks a switch. Each waiter(deaf person) will get the button like structure, he/she can put it on a jacket or t-shirt and it will start vibrating as soon as a person needs a waiter’s help. Each table will have a switch and an LED. The LED will go on as soon as the switch is switched on, and that will help the waiter come and take the order. When the switch will be switched on, the button like structure will start vibrating. This will be an easy process for the waiter as each waiter has to take care of 4 tables, then he/she can figure out which table is calling them with the help of the LED. This way the deaf people who are employed to be a waiter can work efficiently, and won’t be forced to quit their job.

Tomorrow we will post how our final product looks like, stay tuned.

Signing Off

Team Bazingaa

