Day 6- Some changes

Rishi Day
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2017

Today we spoke to our in-house experts, and we had to make some changes again! Well there was not much of change just a bit. Now the product we have decided is, when a customer sitting on a specific colour coded table presses a switch a light goes on; also when that customer presses another switch a message is sent to a buzzer in the hearing impaired waiter’s pocket. The waiter feels the vibrations and looks up to his allotted tables and which ever table has the light on is the table she/he has to go to.

We also did an empathy experience in which one member of our team wore headphones which had loud music playing, due to which she could not hear anything. Due to this experience she could feel what a hearing impaired person feels, not completely but to quite an extent.

Tomorrow we will make our final prototype, stay tuned.

Signing Off

Team Bazingaa!

