How Title One Changed My Life

Chelsey Haughey
Rising Cairn
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2016

In kindergarten i thought i was at the same skill level as my classmates. I could count to 100, spell my name, spell my friends names, tie my shoes, and do simple math equations. When i got into first grade i was in for a rude wake up call. I was falling behind with reading and i couldn’t spell the words i needed to for my spelling tests. It was a few months after first grade started when my teacher got ahold of the department heads and my parents to figure out ways to help me.

That’s when i started the program Title One at my elementary school. Title One is a course that helps students with reading, writing, and spelling learning issues. We would start off by reading chapters, taking practice spelling tests, and writing stories. When i first started it it was tough, they challenged my ways of thinking. For example, i had the hardest time grasping the concepts of silent letters in words, and i couldn’t spell the word “because”.I wasn’t used to doing what i wasn’t good at or comfortable with (which was reading and spelling). I even still now almost 12 years later struggle with doing things i’m not good at. Every night for homework i would have to read for a certain amount of time and i read all kinds of books to my parents.My dad gave me two spelling tests every night leading up to my spelling test in class every friday. My parents played a huge role in helping improve. At times it was extremely frustrating, not only for me but for my parents too. I remember one night my dad having to leave the room to cool down because he was getting frustrated with the fact that i couldn’t get read/understand some of the words. Nevertheless, i continued to work hard and try to grasp the concepts and content that i needed to.

In third grade i was finally taken out of Title One and got to go back to class and do what the other children were doing. Except this time it was different. Not only was i at the same spelling level as everyone else but i was reading twice as many chapter books in half the amount of time that the other children were. It was a feeling i wasn’t too prior to Title One. I felt more confident which made my work improve and i enjoyed writing, reading, and spelling so much more. If i hadn’t taken that Title One class for two years i truly don’t know where i would be today. That class really did change my life. I owe my achievements to my Title One teachers Mrs.Kanakis, Ms.Story, and my parents who never gave up on me despite how frustrating it got at times.

During my middle school and high school years i became more willing to work on things i wasn’t good at and try new things. If it wasn’t for Title One i wouldn’t have gained the knowledge and love i have for reading books. I enjoyed reading horror, classics, mystery, and even love stories. When i got into senior year i read a book that completely changed my life. It was called “A Child Called It” by Dave Peltizer. It was about the author’s encounters with being abused and the experiences he had to go through everyday. In his story he said how his social worker was his hero. That really changed how i looked at my life and where i wanted to go. I decided to change the original plan i had for school and apply for Social Work at the University of New England.

I believe that if i hadn’t taken that Title One class i would have gone my whole life hating reading because i wasn’t good at it. After the class it helped gain my love for reading all the way up to my life now. If i hadn’t gained the love of reading i would have never picked up the book that completely changed my life. I most definitely wouldn’t be going to school for Social Work and i would not be here at the University of New England today.I anticipate my college years to be challenging and stressful, but i just have to remember to keep pushing like i did during Title One. With that in mind i can conquer anything i put my mind too.

