Live or Die

Paige Hibbard
Rising Cairn
Published in
6 min readDec 1, 2016

So basically my story starts out like this, a young teenage girl who cares about being popular, goes to a small school in a small town in Vermont. Her and her best friend are joined at the hip. They did everything together, and they spent every moment together. Then there was a moment in life where it all changed. My best friend became depressed; I tried to comfort her, and something happened. Her mother passed away. I did not know what to do, I hated seeing my best friend so upset. After that we kind of grew apart. It was a difficult moment but sadly it happened. It changed her, as it would change many people. And after that we drifted apart, and entered high school.

Entering High School is a big step. Most people change their friend groups because it’s a big change. I noticed that my best friend was changing, not going down the right path. The death of her mother changed her. Once high school started I kind of felt lost. I did not know what to do. I never took school seriously, and I never realized how important school was until the start of Freshman year. My parents never really talked about school. I was thrown into a literacy lab class in eighth grade. I was thrown into the class because of my NECAPS which I never really tried on in middle school. A literacy lab class is basically a writing and reading class, if your reading level was lower than grade level then you would be put into the class. A group of students who struggle with those skills get put into a literacy lab class. I was a grade six level reading, in eighth grade, I didn’t see the point in trying. I didn’t expect to go to college, my parents never talked to me about it. Their expectations were for me to graduate high school. I didn’t think the class would help me improve my reading. I sat in on the first couple of classes being stubborn and refusing to do work. And then I thought to myself well since I’m here maybe I should try to do something since I’m stuck here anyways. But after a couple of weeks I realized the class wasn’t that bad. I eventually started to pay attention and participate.


Then later on I had a meeting with Rosanne Ferguson, my literacy lab teacher. I had a one on one conference with Ms. Ferguson, and it was supposed to be about thirty minutes long. But mine went on for about an hour and a half. Rosanne and I had a long conversation about how important it is to get good grades in high school, how it would affect my future. She also told me how special I was. I was the first person in my family that had the option to go to college. Then we talked about why it is important to have a college degree, and how successful I would be in life. We talked for a long time about all of it. I finally listened to her, and she and I made a deal. If I needed help with my school work, she would help me or she would find someone who would help me.

We talked for a long time about all of it. I finally listened to her, and she and I made a deal.

After that long conversation, I opened my eyes. I thought maybe she is right. But I wasn’t totally sure if I wanted to listen to her. I thought about it for a while. I started to do my work and I went to her if I needed help. But I was still unsure about the whole college thing. I didn’t think I was smart enough. I didn’t think my parents had the money. I was just unsure about a lot of things.

Thinking about all of these things made myself wonder what would happen if I went to college and what would happen if I did not go to college. My father supported every decision that I made. Even though he worked two jobs and about 90 hours a week. He did everything he could to make me happy. I had a conversation with him once my grades turned around freshman year, he said “it was like you were a new person overnight.” He explained to me how shocking it was too see that my report card was all A’s and B’s. He said “I was surprised there wasn’t any C’s or a note from the teacher.” He noticed how mature I’ve become, and how I am not acting like a little kid anymore. I thought to myself, maybe I should do what I want. I can change and show everyone I’m not just a loser kid who does the minimum. I thought that it would be pretty cool if I went to college. I need to figure out what I had to do and how to get there.

I spoke with my mother after I talked with my father. I explained to her how I was thinking about college. I also explained to her that I talked with Rosanne and how we made a deal. She didn’t really know what to say. I think she was shocked that I told her about college, and she noticed my grades were changing. After we had that conversation, she brought me to my grandparent’s house. And she asked me to tell them what I told her. I was confused and I said “um okay?” So I explained to them that I was interested in college and I made a deal with Rosanne Ferguson. I explained how I was put in her class and why. They listened to me talk for about an hour. It was a long conversation. But in the end they also made a deal with me. If I kept my grades up I would get a “reward.” I had no idea what that meant at the time. I was like sure it’s probably going to be cookies or a pat on the back. But then they explained to me the better the grades are the more money I would get. And I was very confused, I did not know why they were giving me money but I said “I guess I’ll take that deal.” First quarter of freshman year I got my report card. Let’s just say my mom started crying. I ended up with all A’s and one B. My reward was $75. I was shocked I never thought I would be getting money for having good grades. My parents didn’t know what happened to me. They didn’t understand how I turned myself around so quickly but I did. I got help when I needed it. I met with Rosanne every day. I explained that it’s not that hard. I was just going in the wrong direction and I needed to be woken up and pushed towards the right one. My whole family didn’t know what do to. They were just beyond happy with my accomplishments.

I thanked Rosanne, she changed my life. I think that if I had not been put in her class I would not be where I am today, on a beautiful campus learning new things. Thanks to Rosanne I can figure out what I want to do with my life while getting a higher education. My parents are grateful to her and so am I. My life would be so different if she had not come into it. I don’t know where I would be without her. Probably working at McDonald’s… She is an amazing woman who believed in me and helped me succeed. Rosanne Ferguson is the reason I went to college. She inspired me to become something great.

