My First Writing Challenge

Brandon Despres
3 min readOct 30, 2018


Throughout my life I have always enjoyed reading and writing. There have been many times throughout my life that I have had difficulties in English. Including grades and certain writing assignments that had made me struggle. There has also been many times that I have also excelled in English as well. This early experience with english throughout my life has helped me to excel and become the person I am now.

When I was a sophomore in high school I had an English teacher that helped me with my writing. He was a great speaker that had many inspirational quotes, and would always be there for students. Education for his students is what mattered for him and making sure every student understood the lessons he taught. This impact he had on students also affected me as well, he made sure that I did well in the class and helped with every essay. He helped me with writing hooks first to help bring in the reader. Along with the typical college format for school, such as bringing in the quotes and explaining them. Obviously college is much different but this helped me in the English class I am now enrolled in. These lessons he taught expanded my vocabulary and broadened my perspective on English

This teacher that made an impact on my life but everyone else. He was a great speaker, and very influential. He once told the class of a time that he was in court and did not have the money for a lawyer so he did his own research. He ended up winning the court case for himself and his family because he was so influential. This made me think that if he was able to do that I can do anything. In this class that I had taken he mainly worked with me on my hooks for the beginning part of my argumentative essays. I was not the greatest at them to start, and in fact did not know what a hook was. This effort he put into me to succeed had excelled me to try harder and work harder. I ended up doing better in the class and on my homework. My essays went from 80’s to 90’s on the final drafts within his class. This made me so excited getting a 90 on an essay. I have never had these types of grades on essays before unless it was in middle school where it did not matter wether or not you did it correctly.

This teacher ended up passing away from a heart attack my junior year of high school. This tragedy really affected the whole school, especially me. In the end his passing helped to drive me to not only become better at english but to strive in every subject. The school had dedicated a monument to his death and for students to go and morn for his death. We helped his family out and sent gifts and supplies to his family. This teacher was so amazing this was one of the biggest events we had at the school. There was a candle lit monument, and the whole school went.

With his success in life, and my new success to english and writing has benefited me strongly. I believe that I have become better at reading and writing. This impact was strong and a good impact on my life. This helped me to dedicate every success to him, and I will always remember him. With this, people can set their own goals and turn a bad situation into a good scenerio.

