Trello 101: become a power user

Tzook Bar Noy
Rising Comet
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2016

This is my first medium post so go easy with me :) especially when english is not my first language. I simply read some great articles on trello and noticed how others are using it for various tasks and projects so I had to share my workflow as I think it could benefit a lot of people.

Quick background about me, I am a remote software developer, mini entrepreneur, fitness ethic and wannabe multilingual.

So I have my days quite loaded with many tasks and goals I want to accomplish.

At first I have my work projects, so I have several boards one per project where I can see all my next targets and deadlines.

After that work board, I have my own boards for my own projects, another board for my instagram accounts, where I scheduled all my IG posts.

  • * I know there are many softwares that remind you and makes it super easy to post to IG, but if you are using trell and want to save the extra 20$ a month, simply add your content to a trello board. Add the image, create the caption on the title, add your hashtags on the description and create the due date, vuala you have a new IG scheduler.

Sorry for being off topic, but I really had the urge to share my IG workflow.

I can share with you all my boards, but there to many of them and I still want you to stay here with me for the last part. In a brief here is a quick list for my boards:

  • LT project — a work project that I have
  • Moving — just moved to a new home, so all my todos where here
  • Instagram — my IG posts scheduler
  • Life — short goals, yearly goals, whatever I have in mind
  • Jobs — keep track of my job applications, where I have send, interviewed etc.
  • Real estate — I have one rental home in the US, and planing to have more, so this is where I have new opportunities and info points

With all of those boards that are nicely organized I still need to have my daily work done… After using many todo apps , notes taking and other task management stuff. I simply realised that the best tool is:

The simple pen and paper, the feeling of the tasks written down and the writing them off is different then adding a tick on one of your mobile apps.

I write down my next day goals every night at bed with my trello app. I open up trello and start browsing my boards, check for due dates, urgency and more. After finding my next goals I simply write them down on my note book, with a small time estimate beside it.

Now when the next day comes, I don’t really need to think about it. I start my morning routine, morning shake, workout, 5 minute meditating (still learning), and 30 minute book reading. After that I start my day, and starting to write of my notebook lines. Of course each line has a trello related card, so I’m updating it as well, so I could see the bigger picture for next nightly tasks managing routine.

A quick new day todos
Finished day todos



Tzook Bar Noy
Rising Comet

Software developer, Fitness junky and trying to be a nice person overall. You can read more about my stuff @