How To Get LinkedIn Top Voice Badge

Social Gurus
8 min readFeb 20, 2024


To earn the Top Community Voice badge on LinkedIn, focus on contributing valuable insights to collaborative articles, maintain consistent and original contributions, and engage meaningfully within your community. Adherence to LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies is crucial for badge retention.

Key Takeaways:

  • Define Your Niche: Establish your expertise and tailor your LinkedIn presence accordingly.
  • Quality Content: Create impactful, relevant content that resonates with your audience.
  • Community Engagement: Actively participate in discussions and collaborative articles, adding unique value.
  • Consistency and Originality: Regular, original contributions are key to standing out and being recognized.
  • Adhere to Policies: Always follow LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies to maintain badge status.

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In the digital age, the power of networking has been magnified through platforms like LinkedIn, where professionals from all corners of the globe converge. Among the glittering array of accolades one can earn on this platform, the LinkedIn Top Voice and Community Top Voice badges stand out. These badges aren’t just digital decorations; they’re beacons of credibility and recognition in the vast sea of LinkedIn profiles. So, what makes these badges so valuable, and how can you earn one for yourself? Let’s dive in.

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Understanding LinkedIn Top Voice Badges

What Are LinkedIn Top Voice Badges?

Imagine walking into a vast, buzzing conference room. Everyone’s chatting, exchanging ideas, and then there are those few individuals with a special badge, catching everyone’s eye. That’s the essence of LinkedIn Top Voice and Community Top Voice badges. The former is a nod to individuals who’ve made significant impacts through their original content, while the latter celebrates contributions to collaborative articles. Unlike the blue verification tick, these badges are less about identity and more about the quality of your contributions.

The Prestige Behind the Badges

Earning one of these badges is like getting a standing ovation in that vast conference room. It’s LinkedIn’s way of saying, “Hey, listen to this person!” The impact? A surge in followers, a boost in credibility, and an open door to countless opportunities. Imagine having a badge that whispers to every visitor on your profile, “This person is a thought leader in their field.” That’s the kind of prestige we’re talking about. Real-life stories from badge earners reveal transformative growth in professional circles, marking these badges as true game-changers.

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Now, you might be thinking, “That sounds great, but how do I get there?” The journey to earning a LinkedIn Top Voice or Community Top Voice badge is one of commitment, quality, and community engagement. In the next sections, we’ll explore the criteria, the step-by-step guide, and some pro tips to not only earn these badges but also to keep them shining on your profile. Stay tuned, because this journey might just be the breakthrough you’ve been looking for in your professional life.

The Criteria for Earning Top Voice Badges

Diving into the heart of the matter, what does it really take to adorn your LinkedIn profile with one of these prestigious badges? The criteria aren’t just about being active; it’s about being impactful, meaningful, and a beacon of knowledge in your respective field.

LinkedIn Top Voice Badge

Think of the LinkedIn Top Voice badge as a crown awarded to those who reign supreme in content creation. The LinkedIn Editorial Team is on the lookout for individuals who not only share insights but do so with a depth of knowledge and a flair that resonates with the wider community. It’s not just about posting frequently; it’s about posting content that matters. They’re seeking thought leaders who drive conversations, challenge the status quo, and inspire others. Your content needs to be original, insightful, and, most importantly, engaging.

LinkedIn Community Top Voice Badge

On the flip side, the Community Top Voice badge is about your prowess in collaborative spaces. It’s about how you enhance discussions, enrich collaborative articles with your expertise, and contribute to the collective wisdom of your field. The selection process here leans heavily on the quality of your contributions rather than your job title. It’s your insights, your unique take on topics, and your ability to add value to discussions that put you in the running for this badge. Remember, it’s not about how loud you speak but how meaningful your words are.

Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a LinkedIn Top Voice

So, how do you go from being a LinkedIn member to a LinkedIn Top Voice? It’s a journey of strategic branding, quality content creation, and community engagement.

Building a Strong Personal Brand on LinkedIn

Your first step is to carve out your niche. Who are you, and what do you want to be known for? Define your audience and understand their challenges. Your LinkedIn profile should be a mirror reflecting your professional persona, showcasing your expertise and passion. Optimize every section, from your headline to your summary, to tell your story compellingly and cohesively.

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Creating High-Quality Content

Content is king, but context is queen. Your posts, articles, and comments should not only be well-crafted but also tailored to the interests and needs of your audience. Share your personal experiences, insights, and lessons learned. Be authentic, be relatable, but most importantly, be valuable. Your content should spark discussions, offer solutions, and inspire your network.

Engaging with the LinkedIn Community

The magic of LinkedIn lies in its community. Engage with your network and beyond. Comment on posts, share your thoughts, and contribute to discussions. This isn’t just about broadcasting your ideas; it’s about interacting, listening, and growing with the community. The more you engage, the more you’re noticed, and the stronger your candidacy for a Top Voice badge becomes.

Embarking on this journey requires dedication and a strategic approach. But remember, the goal isn’t just to earn a badge; it’s to build a lasting, impactful presence on LinkedIn that opens doors and fosters connections. In the next sections, we’ll delve deeper into mastering community contributions, navigating the nuances of badge maintenance, and ensuring your voice continues to resonate on LinkedIn. Stay tuned, because the path to becoming a LinkedIn Top Voice is both challenging and rewarding.

Mastering LinkedIn Community Top Voice Contributions

Earning the Community Top Voice badge is a testament to your ability to contribute meaningfully to collaborative articles and discussions within your expertise. But how do you make your mark in a sea of voices?

Finding and Contributing to Collaborative Articles

Start by identifying articles and discussions that resonate with your expertise and interests. LinkedIn is a treasure trove of collaborative opportunities, from industry-specific groups to trending articles. When you find content that aligns with your knowledge, dive in. Your contributions should go beyond surface-level commentary. Offer unique insights, share personal experiences, and provide actionable advice. It’s about adding value that makes others stop, think, and appreciate your perspective.

Maximizing Your Impact Through Contributions

Consistency is key. Regular, noteworthy contributions help establish you as a reliable and valuable voice in your community. However, it’s not just about quantity. Your contributions should reflect originality and relevance. Challenge conventional wisdom, offer new solutions, and stimulate intellectual discussions. Remember, the goal is to stand out for the right reasons, ensuring your contributions are seen as both original and additive.

Frequently Asked Questions About Top Voice Badges

With such prestigious badges up for grabs, it’s natural to have questions. Let’s address some of the most common queries.

Earning and Displaying Multiple Badges

Yes, you can earn badges for different skills, and LinkedIn combines them into a single, multifaceted badge on your profile. This showcases your versatility and breadth of expertise, making your profile even more compelling.

Badge Validity and Renewal

The Community Top Voice badge has a 60-day active period, but it’s not set in stone. Continuous, valuable contributions and adherence to LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies are essential to maintain the badge. It’s a cycle of contribution, recognition, and renewal.

Transitioning from Community Top Voice to Top Voice

While both badges recognize valuable contributions, moving from Community Top Voice to Top Voice involves elevating your impact. This means broadening your reach, deepening your insights, and becoming a pivotal voice in larger conversations across LinkedIn.

Advanced Tips for Sustaining Your Top Voice Status

Earning the badge is just the beginning. The real challenge lies in sustaining your Top Voice status.

Continual Learning and Skill Development

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so should you. Stay abreast of industry trends, expand your knowledge base, and continuously refine your expertise. This not only enriches your contributions but also ensures your insights remain fresh and relevant.

Leveraging Your Top Voice Badge for Professional Growth

Your Top Voice badge is more than a digital accolade; it’s a tool for professional advancement. Use it to enhance your networking efforts, amplify your thought leadership, and open doors to new opportunities. It’s a mark of credibility that can significantly bolster your professional trajectory.

Potential Pitfalls to Avoid

The journey to and beyond earning a Top Voice badge is fraught with potential missteps. Here are a couple to steer clear of.

Common Mistakes That Could Jeopardize Your Badge

Complacency, inconsistency, and content that violates LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies can all lead to the loss of your badge. Stay vigilant, maintain the quality of your contributions, and always adhere to community standards.

Navigating LinkedIn’s Evolving Criteria

LinkedIn’s criteria for Top Voice badges may evolve, reflecting changes in the platform’s focus or community dynamics. Stay adaptable, be open to feedback, and adjust your strategy as needed to align with these shifts.


Earning and retaining the LinkedIn Top Voice badge is a journey marked by consistent effort, quality contributions, and an unwavering commitment to adding value to the LinkedIn community. As you embark on this path, remember that the badge is more than a symbol of recognition; it’s a reflection of your impact, expertise, and the positive influence you wield within your professional network.

So, take the plunge, start shaping your narrative on LinkedIn, and who knows? The next Top Voice badge might just have your name on it. Here’s to your success and the endless possibilities that await you as a LinkedIn Top Voice.



Social Gurus

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