Largest Mountain found under the depths of Earth

1 min readJun 9, 2023


Image by peteranta on Pixabay

We all know that Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth, or is it? Scientists have recently discovered that there are mountains other than Everest that are larger than anything you will ever see. However, they are found below the depths of the Planet in the core-mantle boundary of Earth.

A team of scientists under the supervision of the University of Alabama geologist Samantha Hansen have been studying ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZ) in Antarctica through seismology stations.

Hansen believes these enormous mountains are found all around the globe and have been living under our planet for centuries. She even further explained how they were once ancient ocean floors.

To be precise, these larger-than-life mountains are located 1,800 miles below Earth and are found to be 4.5 times larger than the largest mountain on Earth, Mount Everest; which is approximately calculated to be 24 miles in height.

We found evidence for ULVZs kind of everywhere, if it’s big enough, we can see it. -

