The Dark Side of Online Writing

2 min readJun 7, 2023


Image by 200degrees on Pixabay

People tend to forget how hard it is to earn money as an online freelancer. You will be seeing several videos on YouTube and multiple articles online telling you that you can indeed earn a thousand dollars in just five days. Well, that’s just a total scam and doesn’t work in real life.


Freelancing especially content writing is one of the hardest jobs in the market. You will find people promising that certain platforms (I won’t name them) will hire you and within no time you will start earning a decent living. My answer to them is, STOP THE LIES.

The online platforms these people refer to are based on client interactions. As you start uploading your work and hoping for a client to view it, a person with the worst content but a good following will take the job instead.

My personal experience

This is a personal experience which I’m sharing since I also have gone through such phases in my life. I have about 500+ articles published under my name. Still, I was unable to gain the attention of clients on these “guaranteed platforms”.

Affiliate Marketing

Another guaranteed way to earn money online is Affiliate Marketing. Obviously, according to certain content creators who market these things. I have seen hundreds of people selling their videos that guarantee you will net money if you take part in Affiliate Marketing.

The major issue with this is that the time and effort you will invest in marketing for a product you do not know about is far more than what people are telling you online. Also, it is not guaranteed that you will even get a single penny.

Why? Because the only way to earn through Affiliate Marketing is when the user buys the product through your promo code. Only then you will receive a commission. Otherwise, it’s a waste of your important time.


The best way to start earning money as a writer is by writing school, college or even university essays to get your first paycheck. Follow it up by applying for a full-time job as a content writer for a salary-based website.

This is a guaranteed money-making hack for all the people looking to earn from writing and cannot make it big as a freelancer on client-based platforms.

