Third Time Lucky: How I Conquered WordPress? Key Points To Succeed

Huzaifa Shoukat


As a writer, I knew that I needed to have a strong online presence to promote my work. After doing some research, I discovered that WordPress was the platform of choice for most bloggers and professionals alike. However, when I first attempted to use it, I found myself struggling with its many features and functions.

I realized that if I wanted to be successful in my field, it was crucial for me to master WordPress. With determination and persistence, I finally conquered WordPress on my third attempt and would like to share my journey with others who may be facing similar challenges.

Explanation of What WordPress is

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites without having extensive knowledge of coding or web development. It offers users a user-friendly interface with an array of features such as themes, plugins, and widgets. As one of the most popular CMS platforms worldwide, WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet.

Importance of Mastering WordPress

Whether you are a blogger or business owner looking to expand your online presence or an individual seeking future employment opportunities in web development or digital marketing fields — mastering WordPress can prove essential. By mastering this CMS platform you will have access to numerous website building tools which will make your site look professional and user-friendly.

Additionally, as someone interested in digital media markets it’s important because many companies require fluency in WordPress among their employees. Investing time into learning this platform can lead you down a successful career path.

Brief Overview of the Journey to Conquering Wordpress

During my first attempt at conquering Wordpress, I lacked patience which made me frustrated easily- leading me down an unpleasant road trying self-teaching strategies without understanding basic concepts fully. Secondly during my second try at using Wordpress after giving up for some time- I found that it was not enough to watch a few YouTube tutorials and get going. In my third attempt, I took a different approach to learning WordPress.

Using a systematic approach that focused on building my knowledge gradually, and taking regular breaks to avoid burn out- I finally achieved success in mastering the platform. Overall, many challenges arose during the journey but with the right mindset, techniques and strategies — it is possible to master WordPress.

First Attempt

Initial excitement and eagerness to learn

My first attempt to conquer WordPress was fueled by my enthusiasm and curiosity to master one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) on the internet. I was determined to create a stunning website that would appeal to my audience, showcase my skills, and create a great user experience. I started by reading articles, watching tutorials, attending webinars, and downloading e-books.

I was amazed at how much information was available for free on the internet and how easy it seemed to be to set up a website. I started with a basic plan, selected a theme that suited my preferences, installed plugins that would enhance the functionality of my website and committed myself fully.

Struggles encountered during the first attempt

My initial excitement soon turned into frustration when I realized how complex WordPress could be. There were too many settings to configure, too many options to choose from, and too many terms that were unfamiliar to me. The more I tried to make progress, the more overwhelmed I became.

I encountered various issues such as broken links, slow loading times, unresponsive pages among other technical problems that made me consider quitting altogether. Additionally, some aspects of working with WordPress were not intuitive or user-friendly enough for me.

Lessons learned from the experience

Despite all my struggles during this first attempt at mastering WordPress , it taught me valuable lessons about perseverance and patience. Firstly ,I learned that Rome wasn’t built in a day; therefore mastering complex tools like WordPress required time dedication and persistence. Secondly ,I understood that learning isn’t linear; there are ups downs in our learning journey hence taking note of what works best for an individual is key in making progress .

Furthermore,I realized there’s no shame in asking for help or seeking advice from experts who have mastered the skill. I learned that it’s important to have a plan before embarking on any project.

Having a proper structure for my website helps me stay organized and focused. My first attempt at mastering WordPress was a challenging yet valuable experience that gave me the motivation to keep trying until I achieved success in creating a professional website.

Second Attempt

After the initial disappointment of the first attempt, I took a break from WordPress to clear my head. However, my interest in mastering the platform never waned.

So, I decided to give it another go. This time around, I had a renewed sense of determination and eagerness.

Renewed interest in mastering WordPress

I realized that my initial approach was flawed. Instead of trying to learn everything at once, I needed to focus on bite-sized chunks of information and build upon that foundation gradually. With this fresh perspective, I dived into learning about WordPress once again.

Different approach taken during the second attempt

During the second attempt, instead of trying to learn everything about WordPress all at once, I broke down each component into smaller pieces and tackled them one by one. For instance, I started with learning about themes — how they work and how to customize them — before moving onto plugins and other aspects.

Furthermore, instead of relying solely on online resources as I did during my first attempt, I decided to take an online course on Udemy that offered comprehensive lessons on how to master WordPress. The course was structured in such a way that it allowed me to learn at my own pace while still providing enough depth for me not just to understand but also retain what I had learned.

Challenges faced and how they were overcome

There were still challenges during this second attempt; however, they were different from those encountered initially. One significant challenge was finding time amidst other commitments that included work and family obligations. To overcome this hurdle effectively, I dedicated specific hours each day toward learning about WordPress without fail.

Another significant challenge was staying motivated when progress seemed slow or non-existent at times. To deal with this obstacle effectively required constant reminders of why mastering WordPress mattered so much — being able to build functional websites that I could use for both personal and professional purposes.

Overall, with a renewed sense of determination, the right resources, and a more calculated approach, I was able to overcome the challenges that had once deterred me from mastering WordPress. And this time around, I was starting to see some significant progress.

The New Strategy

After two failed attempts, I had to approach my third attempt to conquer WordPress differently. The first thing I did was identify the weaknesses that caused me to fail in my previous attempts. That way, I could create a solid plan that addressed each of these problems.

One major weakness I identified was lack of consistency in my learning process. To remedy this, I created a strict schedule for myself which included dedicated time slots to learn about WordPress every day.

Additionally, I set specific goals and deadlines for myself to ensure that I stayed on track and made steady progress. This helped me maintain focus and discipline while learning about WordPress.

Another strategy was taking advantage of online resources such as tutorials and courses that were available online. This not only provided a structured learning environment but also allowed me to connect with other learners who shared the same goals as mine.

Learn by Doing

One of the biggest mistakes I made during my earlier attempts at mastering WordPress was focusing too much on reading rather than practical application. While it’s important to understand the theory behind each concept in WordPress, it’s equally important to put what you learn into practice.

To master WordPress successfully, you have to be willing to spend time building websites from scratch using various tools and plugins available on the platform. This hands-on approach allowed me to gain practical experience while also identifying areas that needed improvement quickly.

Get Involved in the Community

WordPress has an active community of developers, designers, bloggers, and enthusiasts who are always willing to help others learn more about the platform. Engaging with this community is an excellent way of staying up-to-date with new trends while also getting valuable feedback from experts.

I joined several Facebook groups dedicated solely to discussing different aspects of WordPress where people shared their experiences and offered solutions for common issues they faced when building websites on WordPress. Being part of such groups not only helped me keep up with updates and trends in the industry but also gave me access to a wealth of resources that I could use to improve my skills.

Patience is Key

Even with a new strategy and consistent effort, learning WordPress is not an overnight achievement. Patience and persistence are essential when it comes to mastering the platform. It’s important to remember that everyone starts as a beginner; it’s only through practice that one can become proficient.

There were days when things didn’t seem to work out, but I learned to push past these setbacks and remain focused on my goals. Through perseverance, I was able to overcome challenges such as installation errors, plugin conflicts, design glitches and eventually achieve success on WordPress.

Celebrate Your Successes

The final key to success was acknowledging milestones achieved along the way. Small or big wins should be celebrated as they provide motivation for continuing towards your ultimate goal.

For me, milestones like building my first website from scratch or resolving complex coding issues gave me confidence in my abilities while also providing motivation for pushing forward towards bigger goals. Recognizing progress made every step of the way helped keep me motivated while learning WordPress.

Conquering WordPress requires determination, persistence, patience and an effective strategy. With these tools in hand and utilizing various resources available online or within the community, anyone can become proficient at WordPress if they are willing to invest time into practical application.


Summary of Key Points Discussed in the Article

In this article, we have explored the journey to conquering WordPress. We learned that mastering WordPress is crucial for website owners and bloggers who want to take their online presence to the next level. We also discussed how persistence, determination, and a willingness to learn can help one overcome challenges while trying to conquer WordPress.

We examined three different attempts at mastering WordPress, each with its own set of struggles and lessons learned. The first attempt was characterized by initial excitement but came with numerous challenges that highlighted the need for a new strategy.

The second attempt brought renewed interest in mastering WordPress but required a different approach that would ultimately lead to success on the third try. We identified the key ingredients necessary for success in conquering WordPress — a positive attitude, a never-give-up mindset, and an eagerness to learn from mistakes.

Advice for Those Struggling with Mastering WordPress

For those currently struggling with mastering WordPress, it is important not to give up. The process may seem daunting at first, but remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Take things one step at a time, focusing on learning and understanding each aspect of WordPress before moving on.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance when needed. Additionally, be open-minded about your approach; if something isn’t working out as expected or seems too difficult, try approaching it from a different angle or taking on smaller tasks before tackling larger ones.

Final Thoughts on Conquering Challenges in Life

Conquering challenges in life can be just as tricky as conquering WordPress — but it’s just as rewarding! Remembering that every challenge presents an opportunity for growth and development is essential when facing setbacks or roadblocks along the way.

By adopting an optimistic attitude towards obstacles and focusing on learning from each experience, we can turn even the most difficult challenges into opportunities for personal and professional growth. So, whether it’s WordPress or another challenge you’re facing, remember to never give up and stay determined until you succeed.

Mastering WordPress is a journey that requires persistence, patience, and a willingness to learn. By applying the lessons learned in this article and adopting an optimistic attitude towards challenges, we can all become experts in conquering WordPress — and anything else life throws our way!



Huzaifa Shoukat

Helping Founders to Build their Personal Brand on Autopilot | CEO @Accento