RisingSun’s Next Steps: Land NFTs

Samurai Legends
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2021
RisingSun’s play-to-earn ecosystem is expanding rapidly. The recent launch of SamuraiRising, the $INF token and our internal NFT marketplace has given a taste of what the future holds. Our central aim with these releases was to introduce a play-to-earn platform that can support additional complexity. This article will outline how RisingSun will make player strategy and choice foundational to success with the addition of Land NFTs.

Introducing Land NFTs

Players have been amassing grand samurai armies to battle in SamuraiRising: our play-to-earn NFT card game. With over 1700 $BNB in trading volume across NFT marketplaces, SamuraiRising has been a success. It’s crucial to expand on this by introducing further utility and value to the ecosystem.

As a result, we will begin to introduce Land NFTs on September 29th. Land NFT crates will be available to mint on the SamuraiRising website. Each crate contains a single Land NFT located on the island of Kyushu. During the initial sale, players can purchase plots of land in coast, mountain or hill biomes. In addition to features unique to these biomes, these initial crates have a chance of carrying new types of SamuraiRising battle cards — Monks, Ninjas and Archers.

The initial Land NFT sale will include 4500/5000 plots on Kyushu:

2000 Hill Land Crates: 100k $RSUN and 0.25 $BNB each

  • Hills contain average resources and are deeply connected to nature and spirituality, making them a great place to build shrines and temples
  • Each crate has a 25% chance of containing a new battle card (Monk, Ninja or Archer)

1500 Mountain Land Crates: 200k $RSUN and 0.5 $BNB each

  • The isolated mountains are strategic strongholds full of rare resources, including coal and iron to forge new weapons.
  • Each crate contains 1 new battle card NFT (Monk, Ninja or Archer)

1000 Coast Land Crates: 400k $RSUN and 1 $BNB each

  • The scarce coastal plots contain plentiful resources and are perfect for building trading ports
  • Each crate contains 1 new battle card from each of the new classes (3 total)

The remaining 500 plots will be used for promotional purposes.

Future land sales will include the islands of Shikoku (3000 plots) and Hokkaido (8000 plots), while the larger island of Honshu will be constantly fought over by warring clans.

Land NFTs will open up new avenues for earning passive income while increasing player choice and strategy. Each biome accumulates different types of resources that will be used to build structures and new types of SamuraiRising battle cards, adding further complexity to the game. Structures themselves will be used to create new cards as well as upgrade existing ones. Players will be able to trade Land NFTs, including the structures they have made.

Land NFT crate unboxing will begin in October. Opening a crate produces a unique land NFT that can be visualized on an interactive map, along with any Monks, Ninjas or Archers contained in the crate.

We’re looking forward to sharing more information as development progresses, so stay tuned! In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek of what we’ve been working on:

