Rising Coin Roadmap Update May 2021

Aykut Yılmaz
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021

We are happy to announce our updated vision and additions to our roadmap.

Uniswap v3

Uniswap v3 brought some interesting new concepts to the AMM industry, some of which will be quite useful for Rising Coin, such as:

  1. Concentrated Liquidity: Enables projects to be able to work with much smaller liquidity pools due to order-of-magnitude higher capital efficiency.
  2. Range Orders: Sits somewhere between AMM liquidity provision and limit orders of centralized, order book exchanges.

We have been thinking about how to implement our Adjuster on Uniswap v3. After some testing and market maker modeling, we designed a new Adjuster which will work with range orders. As soon as our launch on Uniswap v2 is complete, we plan to switch our efforts to below items:

  1. Code Uniswap v3 compatible Adjuster.
  2. Migrate front-end to Uniswap v3’s front-end.
  3. Launch RC pairs on Uniswap v3.

Liquidity Reward Program

Rising Coin Liquidity Reward Program (LRP) was already in our roadmap. We would like to share some thoughts and details about LRP:

Liquidity Providers are a central part of Rising Coin project. Once project is launched with an initial liquidity, for a while Rising Coin Treasury (RCT) will be the main liquidity provider as all income generated from coin sales will be directed to liquidity pool with a matching amount of RC. On Uniswap and similar exchanges, RC will be paired with stable coins initially, but other coins like ETH will follow. Our intention is to utilize paired coins in RCT for marketing, while using the RC part to reward LPs. By incentivizing LPs, we want to generate an indirect but key additional benefit to the project; when our investors provide liquidity, they will let us release RCT funds from the pool and direct into marketing.

Rising Coin LRP will be launched soon, we are planning a monthly reward distribution directly attached to the amount of marketing we will make. We hope to clarify details and start the program within June-July 2021.

Multi-Chain Implementation

Rising Coin will initially be launched on Uniswap on Ethereum network. Our next step will be to turn Rising Coin into a multi-chain asset, utilizing benefits of other blockchains. Short term candidates are as follows, we will consider more blockchains depending on factors like volume and transaction fees:

  1. PancakeSwap on Binance Smart Chain (BSC): While having very low fees, BSC is smart contract compatible with Ethereum; we expect to port our code rather easily. PancakeSwap is the leading DEX on BSC, so it is an obvious choice.
  2. QuickSwap on Matic / Polygon: Matic is also quite easy to port, has low fees and QuickSwap is the leading DEX on it.

The order of blockchains might be reversed. The complexity of multi-chain deployment is the bridge that has to run between different chains. We are examining current code base and our options, we hope to come up with a decent solution and start implementation soon. By the end of Q3 2021, Rising Coin should be running on multiple chains.


Marketeer has been in our roadmap from the start and it reflects our future vision to become a DAO. We are considering to manage it as a separate project on its own which can be used not only by Rising Coin but also by any project. We hope to give more details within a few months; for now, Marketeer stays in Rising Coin’s roadmap.

