5 characteristics of an excellent application

Eva Fogdell
Rising North
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2018


How can we together grow the Nordic region into the leading global startup hub, and how can we leverage our shared identity and values to produce and fund more pan-Nordic companies — do you hold the recipe to achieve this? It is time for you to submit an application.

Rising North is preparing for the final round of funding, with the deadline coming up in exactly 5 days, next Monday, May 21st. The thought of writing an application might make you second guess. No time for that, it can be fun. Below we have given you some tips on what to take in consideration when you put together the application. If you want more specific insight about the application questions, check our previous blogpost.

Characteristic 1: Long-term visionaries

If you want to create an impact, it will take time. We are looking for projects that aren’t just “a one-time fling”. Think about how you can kick-start something big that will have a large impact on the whole Nordic startup region and have potential reaching a wide international audience?

Characteristic 2: Evaluators point-of-view

First of all, make sure your projects follow our funding guidelines. Secondly, remember to think about the ones actually evaluating your project. Rising North’s Steering Board consists of successful investors and entrepreneurs from all around the Nordics. For example, how could companies such as their portfolio companies benefit from your pan-Nordic project?

Characteristic 3: Be Bold

Your application should reflect your passion and drive towards the project. In what way is your project unique and how does it differ from the others? Make sure to not get comfortable, and do the same thing as everyone else. Don’t feel afraid to take risks in the application.

Charateristic 4: The six challenges

We have identifies 6 challenges that the Nordic startup ecosystem is facing: Talent, Capital, Representation, Visibility, Policy and Go-To-Market. How is your project in its unique way addressing one or several of these challenges?

Characteristic 5: The Nordic twist

We are stronger and smarter together. Think about how your project is in its own way:

(1) helping the Nordic startups become global leaders. This could for example be targeted international events or marketing initiatives that help Nordic startups internationalize and become industry leaders.

(2) strenghtning the Nordic entrepreneurial brand. How can we attract more international attention, capital, companies and talent to the region?

(3) affecting positively a large number of Nordic startups. For example, if you are organizing an event, how can you make sure that the companies not attending your event also could benefit from for example gathered material
from the event?

A final note, remember to procrastinate. Let the application rest, talk a walk, go for a beer, or to the movies. Tell about the project to your mum, ask her what she thinks. The good thing is that on our application portal you have the possibility to leave the application half done and return to it whenever (before the deadline).

Good Luck and please let the Rising North team know if you need help!

👉 hello@risingnorth.org

