3 Ways To Be A Boss Bitch

This week I decided to read “Boss Bitch” by Nicole Lapin, this book has 12 steps to help you become the best boss bitch you can be.

I will be discussing:

1. Set Your Standards & Limits

2. Don’t Water Down Your Worth

3. From Goals To Greatness

And be sure to read my last blog on “Book Review: 3 Things To Remember When Paying Student Debt” & “FREE Download: May 2019 Motivational Quote Desktop Wallpapers”.

If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word Bitch Boss: a successful, independent woman who knows what she wants in this world.

  1. Set Your Standards & Limits

You can’t rise to your greatness if you are settling for everything, which is why it is important that you establish principles in your life. By having standards people will stop testing you and making you do things that are beneath your pay grade.

Now I’m not saying it will be easy, but if it’s something you believe in you won’t budge as others do. Who allows for people to treat them below their worth, by doing this you won’t be seen as a strong woman but instead a bitch.

Sometimes there are penalties for sticking up for what you believe in especially when it’s so ingrained in the company culture if this happens to you, try to find a place that aligns with your values.

2. Don’t Water Down Your Worth

Due to this bitch label many women, we often alter our behavior and smile through painful situations, and becoming someone we’ve never seen.

How we communicate and share our ideas with colleagues, shrinking ourselves so that others won’t feel overshadowed by out light.

Like apologizing just to make others feel better, but when your feelings are hurt no one can understand how you could feel that way. This is something that I often struggle with, I tend to fell like my personality is bigger than the room I’m in and feeling like an outcast because of it.

Its journey that I am still on as I begin to step into my greatness and stop shying away from who I really am and how I feel.

3. From Goals To Greatness

Don’t just set goals but actually follow through with a foolproof plan, so that the impossible will seem possible.

I’m not saying you’ll reach your goal overnight or that it wont be easy but it will be worth it when you’ve reached your full potential.

You have to be willing to adjust your mindset to reach your goals and sometimes even your everyday schedule. So start small so that you build up momentum to effortlessly crush your goals.

Would I Buy Or Read Again?

Can I see myself re-reading Nicole Lapin’s book “Boss Bitch” again? Yes! Can I see myself even purchasing “Boss Bitch”? Yes, because not only does this book have a helpful glossary but 12 amazing steps to help you reach your potential.

The Question of the Week is inspired by Nicole Lapin’s book “Boss Bitch”. What makes you a boss bitch?

Answer: Handling things, being punctual and never allowing others to see me procrastinate.

Catch up on my last blogs on “Book Review: 3 Things To Remember When Paying Student Debt” & “FREE Download: May 2019 Motivational Quote Desktop Wallpapers”.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗



Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!