6 Ways To Master The Money Game

Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be
Published in
5 min readMar 10, 2019

Happy Women’s History Month, National Reading Month & Read A Ebook Week!

This week I decided to read “MONEY Master the Game” by Tony Robbin’s, who is a powerful speaker and even more powerful author. I believe that this book will help to motivate you to become your best self and helping you to think of money in a different light. Which is why I believe this book is worth reading at least once in your life your not sure where to start when it comes to growing your wallet.

I will be discussing:

1. Become Financial Literate

2. Create A Money Mindset

3. Limit Your Spending

4. Your Change Can Make A Change

5. Share The Wealth

6. Know Where Every Dollar Goes

And be sure to read my last blog on “5 Ways To Become A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero” & FREE Download: March Desktop Wallpapers.

If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word money magnet: money seems to flow effortlessly toward you.

1. Become Financial Literate

As Clique, as it sounds knowledge, is power, and if you are going to be successful in this money game you’ll have to be. You can become successful by simply knowing the basics of the financial world.

Try to have a core understanding of tax laws and stock programs to ensure you are reaping all of your financial benefits.

You can’t become a millionaire by having an accountant without a CPA or using a financial advisor that is really a scam artist. You simply must do research when it comes to growing your finances and on the stocks, you hope to invest in so that you can grow your financial portfolio.

2. Create A Money Mindset

You need to change the way you think in order to build lasting wealth, Jen Sincero says to “you have to start by telling yourself you deserve it.

One major issue with making money is not having any good ideas, time or opportunities it’s that we simply don’t believe we can be.

You must have that fire and desire to become wealthy, and don’t just do wishful thinking put action behind those thoughts.

3. Limit Your Spending

On average most millionaires & billionaires try to keep there expenses small.

They do this by simply purchasing lavish wants to celebrate the major achievements they’ve made.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that poor people often chase labels and fast fashion meanwhile billionaires wear simple clothing that only serves a purpose.

Billionaires and Millionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Dave Chapelle, and Jeff Bezo’s the richest man in the world stick to a very standard uniform simply to focus on more important things.

4. Your Change Can Make A Change

Your pennies laying around your house can serve a purpose by using them to invest allowing you to develop your wealth, even if spare change is all you have. Micro-investing apps like Acorns, Robinhood and Stash the one I prefer allows you to own and make money from stocks. You can even set up your account to automatically purchase specific stocks and investments, allowing virtually anyone the chance to get into the world of stocks. And don’t forget about creating a savings account with the money you make from these programs so that you can use compound interest to its full ability.

5. Share The Wealth

The biggest payoff in the money game is sharing it with the information you know, volunteering at financial classes, donating to the less fortunate. Wealth is amazing but its also good to give back and share what you have, in return you’ll receive priceless rewards in the end. There are are many ways to do it, besides at the end of the day money isn’t all that matters in life.

6. Know Where Every Dollar Goes

It’s impossible to grow your wallet when you have no idea where your money is going and how. Especially when you have more money leaving it than going into it, so set a day during the week to track your spending and budget. You can even go paperless by using apps like Mint, EveryDollar, GoodBudget, and PocketGuard. You can even use a spreadsheet to track and record what you purchase or use a program like (YNAB) You Need A Budget.

Would I Buy Or Read Again?

Can I see myself re-reading Tony Robbin’s book “MONEY Master the Game” again? Yes! Can I see myself even purchasing “MONEY Master the Game”? Yes, because this book is packed information that I may forget that are highly valuable to allow me to increase the money I make.

The Question of the Week is inspired by Tony Robbin’s book “MONEY Master the Game”. How do you ‘master the money game’?

Answer: I try to master the money game by trying my best to limit my spending and always looking for new money making opportunities.

Catch up on my last blogs on “Book Review: 5 Ways To Become A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero” & FREE Download: March Desktop Wallpapers.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗



Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!