7 Signs You Will Be Successful

Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be
Published in
8 min readJun 4, 2020

Happy June, The Month of Journeying To Your Dreams!

In this blog, I will share the 7 signs that will make you successful in life and beyond.

I will be discussing:

1. Adapting To Change

2. Don’t Complain

3. Not Selfish But Selfless

4. Forever Motivated

5. Their Time Is Spent Productively

6. Finding Forgiveness

7. They Celebrate Others

8. Their Circle Is Uplifting & Successful

9. They Can Learn From Everything


And be sure to read my last blog on “Past Blogs” & “FREE Download: June 2020 Desktop Wallpapers”.

If I could some up this blog into one word it would have to be the word Discover: Find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.

1. Adapting To Change

Being able to adapt when the game plan changes is highly important for successful people, they don’t cower and cry when things don’t go according to plan. What they do is just think of a new way to make it happen, these are people that have backup plans they have plan A-Z simply because they believe in reaching the end result.

People that aren’t afraid of change are flexible and are able to get more done. They decide to handle things no matter if the change has positive or negative effects on them. Accepting that you may not be able to change what happened that cause the plan to change but you can control what you do next in your situation.

Whether you decide to keep pushing forward or if you decide to quit, life will still keep moving forward anyway. And successful people are usually the ones who refuse to quit, so the choice is yours.

2. Don’t Complain

Successful people don’t waste time complaining simply because they understand that it is just a waste of time and energy. Complaining won’t help you accomplish anything and it certainly won’t help you to check something off your to-do list, it’s just not productive. Successful people instead use their time to focus on resolving the problem that they want to complain about, but instead their choosing to solve it instead.

Be mindful of when you start to notice that you are stressing out and take control of the situation immediately. Ask yourself why you are stressed out from this situation and remind yourself that you can handle this. Sometimes stress pops up in our lives when we are so close to overcoming a major obstacle. Don’t complain because this will soon be your testimony.

Yes I know that life is crazy, stressful and sometimes makes you wanna cuss at everyone around you but complaining is normal yes. But don’t keep complaining, take 5 minutes to vent and get out all your frustrations and get back in the game. Keep going.

3. Not Selfish But Selfless

Successful people are able to give to others in need, now I’m not talking about writing a check to donate and then using it for a tax write off. I’m talking about people who give back to others in their family or neighborhood selflessly. They don’t just donate their dusty old sweaters and socks to Goodwill, when they should have just thrown them away.

You don’t have to give the shirt off of your back, but you can give your time to others and bless someone’s life. There are so many ways to truly give to others, you can volunteer with a youth group or the elderly. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen and speak to a few people and give to them personally in whatever way you see fit. Successful people value giving back to others, it helps to clear your head and makes us truly appreciate what you have in your life.

4. Forever Motivated

Successful people take the initiative to motivate themselves, find motivation in their dreams or take the time to find motivational videos, podcasts, books and conferences. Simply because they know that it is vital to their success and how successful they’ll be in the future. Being self-motivated is important if you want to be successful in this decade.

Because everyone and their dog has a side hustle and the chances of them calling off the side hustle to give you a pep talk is very slim. Visualize yourself succeeding or look over your beautifully inspiring vision board, to help clear your mind of what depleted your motivation. It’s important to refresh your motivation, allow for your positive thoughts fuel your positive actions.

5. Their Time Is Spent Productively

Successful people use their time effectively, they make sure that their day is as productive as possible. Being able to manage your time effectively is the key to your productivity, they are also on time. They typically try to arrive at their meetings and appointments on time or even early, this helps them to instill responsibility.

They even take the time to plan out their day and even include time to unwind or focus on their goals. They don’t waste their mornings, they take advantage of the time using a morning routine. Whether they meditate, journal, read or just sip coffee while watching the news. Their mornings are automatically planned out so they don’t have to jump out of bed and head out the door frantically possibly forgetting something. Because they also plan for their day the night before, they don’t want to try to figure everything out the day of. So instead they plan ahead, so that way they can use their time effectively and sometimes even automate things in their lives.

They invest their money in things like meal prep service so they don’t have to spend time cooking. Or they pay for a laundry service to handle their laundry so they don’t have to deal with that basket of dirty clothes, folding or ironing. They also invest in assistants or virtual assistants to help them empty out their email inbox, or website designer to help them develop their new website because they don’t have time to learn how to code. They allow for their money to work for them, which allows them to save time in their and gives them peace of mind since they won’t have to worry about certain tasks.

6. Finding Forgiveness

Successful people fully understand that holding on to grudges and resenting others they know does absolutely nothing. Working through past hurt and finding healing is a major key to unlocking your potential, because hurt can take a hold of you and make you replay your past traumas on loop. When you really want to move forward and accomplish things in your life, it can really keep you locked in a time period.

Holding on to grudges weights you down and trust me I know I’m a Taurus and it is extremely hard for me to forgive people for what they have done to me. Sometimes even seeing them after months, after a situation suddenly makes that past hurt rush back to the forefront, I try my best to be cordial. And rise above and take the high road, to say hello and greet you, but I refuse to have a conversation with you just saying. I’m not going to act like the road to forgiveness is easy but as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned its important to forgive. You don’t have to forget, but healing is important whether go and get therapy or just journaling your feelings, you will soon find healing.

7. They Celebrate Others

Successful people are able to celebrate and encourage others, even if they are going through a hard time in their life. They see everyone around them winning but still take the time to praise others for their wins, while taking several loses. Because they know that being happy for someone else won’t make their blessing come faster and certainly won’t stop them from having losses in their lives.

They do this because when it’s time for their wins they want everyone to be genuinely happy for them and their accomplishments. Not holding any kind of malice by watching someone else win, they are happy to see their friends winning, because they only surround themselves with winners.

8. Their Circle Is Uplifting & Successful

Successful people know that who their friends are says a lot about them, friendships aren’t just used for our social lives. Things like our career trajectory, personal life if you’re known as a drunk or a homewrecker, and of course whether you’ll reach our goals in life. They can even influence your mood directly and be able to inspire you to change your life for the better.

If you are ever feeling drained by the negative people in your circle I recommend you to do one these two things, confront them on how they are making you feel or just cut them off. Your mood is important and you don’t want people to suck the happiness out of your body, like when Harry Potter met a dementor. Good friends matter, you want friends that are going to pour something into you, but you also have to do the same, strong friends need love too.

9. They Can Learn From Everything

Successful people are able to learn from everything in their lives, by surrounding themselves with educational content like books, reading educational blogs & forums, listening to podcasts and watching educational youtube videos. They take advantage of every opportunity to become better, stronger, faster; they enjoy improving themselves.

Instead of complaining about the situation they use it as an opportunity to learn from, and they also seek a mentor. They try to find someone who has reached goals that they are also looking to reach as well, by letting them advise them on their journey. Mentors can be beneficial to their mentee, giving life advice and they can even become like family as the relationship grows.

The Question of the Week

Inspired by our monthly theme for June, The Month of Journeying To Your Dreams!

What will you discover as you chase your dreams?

Let me know your answer down below in the comment section.


If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗

Catch up on my last blogs on “Past Blogs” & “FREE Download: June 2020 Desktop Wallpapers



Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!