How To Stop Procrastinating

Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2020

Happy May, The Month of Making It Happen!

Stop your procrastination and increase your productivity using these tips.

I will be discussing:

1. Make A To-Do List

2. Imagine It Done

3. Stop Being Hard On Yourself

And be sure to read my last blog on “Past Blogs” & “FREE Download: May 2020 Desktop Wallpapers”.

If I could some up this blog into one word it would have to be the word Persistence: refusing to quit in the sight of difficulty or opposition.

1. Make A To-Do List

Reserve at least 5 minutes to map out your day and write out what you need to accomplish. You can use a blank sheet of paper or use my printable to help you organize your tasks by importance. Once your list is completed, look over to find a task that you can complete this very moment and get it done. By putting your energy into action you won’t come up with excuses or a reason to not get it done.

Because action literally eliminates anxiety, this is why Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule works so well for people. The 5 Second Rule is a tool used to push you into completing things by physically moving within 5 seconds before you can think of an excuse. Whenever you feel an instinct or a desire to reach a goal it’s highly beneficial to use this rule by counting 5–4–3–2–1-GO and get into action.

While doing this it’s important that you aren’t focusing on being perfect, which is why you should start your easiest task first so you won’t make any mistakes. What matters the most is the quality of your effort towards completing a task not your perfect results. It’s easy to get distracted from completing a goal when your just trying to make everything perfect instead trying to accomplish it. Now I’m not saying to be sloppy with a task but I am saying don’t take all day on a task you know you can complete.

2. Imagine It Done

Think of how you’ll feel with your goal or task already done, instead of thinking of ways to postpone your progress of getting it done. By doing this you’ll even notice your anxiety melt away of a very close deadline, grueling task, nagging pressures and self-doubt. Whenever we finally complete a task that we’ve been putting off it gives us a boost of confidence and energy to complete the rest of our tasks.

Try pre-commiting to a task instead of pushing it off, you have to get it done anyway so why not work towards getting it done before the due date. Procrastination during crunch time can actually make us lethargic and stifle our progress toward completing a task. It’s important that we understand when procrastination stikes that it is only a natural phenomenon, it’s okay to not want to be bothered and do nothing. But I will say this, it’s easier to do nothing when you have done everything on your to-do list. Because after all, procrastination is not just avoiding a task like you dodge a scam call on your phone it’s also counterproductive and unnecessary unless you block the caller and get it done.

3. Stop Being Hard On Yourself

Procrastination happens but focusing on your mistakes won’t help you move forward and isn’t healthy it just keeps you stagnant. Self-blame is counter-productive to your productivity, just forgive yourself for what you didn’t accomplish so you can move on and move forward. We all struggle with something in life but what matters is how you handle your circumstances and make them better.

By redirecting your energy away from procrastination urges into something productive like a passion project. You’ll wish you started sooner, and feel more determined to stay on the path to success and never letting yourself be distracted by procrastination. Because you have goals you need to accomplish, people are counting on you to succeed. You maybe someone else’s motivation for improving their life, and if they see you slacking then they will think they can do the same. Start by committing to a small goal you don’t have to commit to something big and overwhelming now, sometimes you have to start where you are to get to where you want to go.

The Question of the Week

Inspired by our monthly theme for May, The Month of Making It Happen!

How do you persist when things get tough?

Let me know your answer down below in the comment section.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗



Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!