Re-Ignite Your Motivation

Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be
6 min readMay 24, 2020


Happy June, The Month of Journeying To Your Dreams!

Find motivation towards those goals you want to achieve using these tips below.

I will be discussing:

1. Challenge What You Can Do

2. Think about everyone you’re letting down

3. See The Bigger Picture

4. Think about the naysayers

And be sure to read my last blog on “Past Blogs” & “FREE Download: June 2020 Desktop Wallpapers”.

If I could some up this blog into one word it would have to be the word Self-Confidence: a feeling of trust in your abilities, qualities, and judgment.

1. Challenge What You Can Do

Sometimes we lose interest in a task were doing simply because we have done it so many times. It starts to feel mundane even thought we’re pushing forward it still doesn’t feel like we’re making progress. It’s no longer fun if we aren’t in competition mode, that’s why it’s important to use a tracker so that you see your progress from where you started. You can even look online to find new challenges so that you stay in the game and increasing the impact of what you do.

Think of unique rewards for yourself when you’ve accomplished something big, these rewards can give you a boost on your journey of completing a major task. See what you’re trying to achieve using photos or inspirational quotes and keeping them somewhere that is visible, like setting it as your phone wallpaper or your bathroom mirror. I even have a video and blog explaining how I created a vision board for my phone & computer wallpaper, you can click the link above. So that way this goal won’t escape your mind, by simply looking at them it will make you think of why you started and why you want to keep going.

You can even start journaling your process by simply putting pen to paper, write how your feeling or what went wrong while working toward your goal. Look for blogs, podcasts, and youtube videos about the goal you’re trying achieve, sometimes when your a journey of transformation it starts to feel lonely like your the only one who has ever gone through this. But finding others that may be in the same situation can make you feel seen and not alone.

2. Think about everyone you’re letting down

It may seem like everyone is against you and that you have nothing but losses come your way but there are also people who waiting for you to win. You can’t make everybody happy, but you can make everybody mad. And they can only do that if you don’t give up, allow for them to cheer you on when you’re really having a hard time. If they have given you a gift or written you a letter for you starting your journey this is the time to hold the gift and read over their words to you.

Because this will help you to remember that people are rooting for you, and no one would root for you if weren’t capable of doing great things. Imagine telling them that you reached your goal, and when people believe in you they are happier than you are when you achieve a goal. When I graduated from college my family was actually happier than I was at my graduation I was actually just exhausted and happy it was finally over. This is usually how you’ll feel if your trying to reach a goal, you’ll get like a sense of euphoria like for a second you can’t believe you actually finished.

And that’s basically what happened to me while I was approaching graduation I refused to celebrate that I was reaching the completion of my degree because I constantly felt like some random advisor would tell me that I may not actually be graduating like I thought. Sometimes we have to step back from the grind and just appreciate what we were able to do by simply staying focused. If you stop now the people that are waiting for you to quit win, and you’re not just letting down the people who support you but also yourself.

3. See The Bigger Picture

When you have a goal it’s easy to feel like your not making progress when accomplishing that goal seems so far away. But when we take the time literally shrink it by giving ourselves daily and weekly goals it easier to build up momentum. Goals can’t be accomplished overnight and its important that we are realistic on our goal journey, we have to accept that anything worth having isn’t easy and requires a process.

Anything worth having takes time, because if it didn’t we would never appreciate accomplishing the goal. It would have a much smaller impact on our lives and what we achieve in the future. In order to keep focused you should break down the entire goal, so that you can not only stay productive but also maintain your interest so that you can get closer to reaching your goal. Understand that every action you make will impact how you will turn your goal into a reality.

4. Think about the naysayers

Completing a goal feels great but proving people wrong feels so much better. Showing the naysayers that were wrong about you, seeing that you were able to make progress and they are still in the same place is startling. Maybe you’ll be nice and try to help them move forward or you’ll just move onto your next goal. No matter what you chose to do, doesn’t matter because you were still able to accomplish something no one thought you could do, and that matters.

Don’t quit because then you’ll have to hear them say “I knew you couldn’t do it” or they’ll laught and tell others about it. This is the last thing you want to happen, naysayers don’t need any help talking bad about you they will still talk bad about you when your doing great. Your failure helps them so that way they don’t have to think about what they have failed, after all, misery loves company.

The Question of the Week

Inspired by our monthly theme for June, The Month of Journeying To Your Dreams!

Where does your confidence come from?

Let me know your answer down below in the comment section.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗

Catch up on my last blogs on “Past Blogs” & “FREE Download: June 2020 Desktop Wallpapers”.



Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!