The Best Productivity Apps For Your Life

Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2020

Happy May, The Month of Making It Happen!

Increase your productivity and improve the way you work on tasks with these apps below.

I will be discussing:

1. Asana


3. Google Calendar

4. Alarmy

5. Flora — Focus Keeper

6. The Most Dangerous Writing App

7. Self Control/Focal Filter

8. Evernote

9. Calendly

And be sure to read my last blog on “Past Blog: How To Read More Books” & “FREE Download: May 2020 Desktop Wallpapers”.

If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word Growth: the process of increasing and rising to your potential.

1. Asana

Keep everything in your life or business using Asana, a task manager app to help organize, manage and track others’ work on your team. There is a calendar layout and a giant to-do list so that you can tackle your tasks with ease. Since your able to see others’ progress on tasks there’s no need for pointless emails with people asking you if you completed something. Which is why I highly recommend checking out this app.


Stay committed to your goals using the app, you can use this app to track habits that are important to you in a supportive community. Or you can find your very own coach to help you stay motivated and keep you accountable with one of the paid plans on

3. Google Calendar

Become a real adult and color-code your life with Google Calendar, the app helps you keep up with your appointments, meetings, hobbies, and keep up with your to-do list on the go. You can even share your calendar with others you know, it allows for you know exactly what’s going on in your day. You can set certain tasks and standing appointments to recur every week or month.

Color coding allows you to quickly differentiate the tasks and todos in your schedule. You can even schedule time slots in your day for uninterrupted slots so that you can work in peace without interruptions. Try adding buffer zones between meetings or activities for commuting or just taking a break. If you don’t have access to Google Calendar you can use apps like Microsoft Calendar, ScheduleOnce, and Calendly which I explain later on.

4. Alarmy

If you’re like me getting out of the bed in the morning like the hardest thing every morning I feel like I’m letting Mel Robbins down. Since I’m not using the here 5-second rule to hop out of bed, but you know what disrupts my sleep. Alarmy will literally annoy with a sirron, math problem doing push-ups in order for the alarm to be cut off. This is like a hardcore snooze button, but it is so effective.

5. Flora — Focus Keeper

The Flora app is a focus timer that allows you to grow virtual trees when you start a Pomodoro session. The Pomodoro Technique is a strategy to help you manage your time and focus 25-minute increments using a timer. Using the timer allows you to focus and helps to reward you with a much needed five-minute break. While growing your virtual tree if you decide to leave the Flora and hop into another app like Instagram or Netflix your tree will immediately start to die. Which for me is kind of like a trigger warning to get back to work and finish my task.

6. The Most Dangerous Writing App

If you struggle like me to get started and finish writing a paper or you have a blog called Rising to Be where you need a new blog completed every Wednesday and you still slack on writing sometimes. Then the most dangerous writing app is the app for you, this app literally erases what you are typing if you aren’t making progress. Which literally forces you to start writing and not stop til you are done. I highly suggest this if you really hate writing or struggle with staying focused on your task, so that you can get things done.

7. Self Control/Focal Filter

Self Control & Focal Filter is an app that helps you maintain your focus by literally blocking out certain websites on your computer. If you have a mac you can use Self Control and if you’re on a PC you can use Focal Filter. When you have homework or your working remote for the day and need to finish something before the end of the day. I strongly suggest you use this to temporarily block websites like Candy Crush, Facebook, ESPN & Netflix. You can easily set a timer for your specific hours of work and once that time runs out you can freely browse on your favorite sites again.

8. Evernote

Easily keep your notes organized and take them literally everywhere with Evernote. I love Evernote because it’s literally like a never-ending notebook. Find information a lot faster and create different notebooks to help you organize and find information a lot faster. You can even share ideas with others you know, Evernote allows you to save web pages, projects, and those growing to-do lists.

9. Calendly

If you’re like me and you hate going back and forth with trying to schedule a meeting or a get together with friends then you’ll love Calendly. Calendly allows those you know to easily schedule a time with you without you having to check your calendar all you have to do is share link and its done, and it even adjusts to different time zones. Just make sure it’s connected to regular digital calendars like Google Calendar, Outlook, Office 365 or iCloud calendar so you’re never double-booked or overwhelmed with plans.

The Question of the Week

Inspired by our monthly theme for May, The Month of Making It Happen!

What have you grown from and need growth from?

Let me know your answer down below in the comment section.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗

Catch up on my last blogs on “Past Blog: How To Read More Books” & “FREE Download: May 2020 Desktop Wallpapers”.



Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!