Completing your final #RisingYouth report

A simple step that goes a long way

4 min readMar 16, 2021


Setting up a community project is a very rewarding experience, even if it is not always what you expected when you started. Along the way, obstacles are overcome, lessons are learned and surprising doors often open for those who are willing to step through them. There is a young leader and a unique story behind every #RisingYouth grant, and it is a source of great pride and inspiration to hear these stories from our youth across the country who are going above and beyond to overcome the challenges facing their communities.

Completing the #RisingYouth project and report is a rite of passage for our Grantees, an important step that allows them to celebrate their own accomplishments and to officially become #RisingYouth Alumni. As such, these young leaders become ambassadors for our program and see all kinds of doors and opportunities open to them.

This blog post will focus on the importance of #RisingYouth Grantees submit their reports after completing their project, and will detail the various ways and many resources available to them to effectively share their story with us in a way that is authentic to their own experience and perspective.

Why is completing your report important for you and for #RisingYouth?

First, it allows us to learn more about your project and its success. We want to know what impact your project had, what challenges you encountered, what lessons you learned and so on. With all the #RisingYouth projects going on at the same time, it allows us to keep track of all the accomplishments of our Grantees and highlight them appropriately. Also, the lessons you have learned along the way and the feedback you may have for us allows us to constantly improve and better support the future #RisingYouth Grantees.

As mentioned above, completing your final report allows us to officially award you the title of #RisingYouth Alumni and send you a certificate of youth engagement signed by the Prime Minister and the TakingITGlobal co-founders. As a #RisingYouth ambassador, we have all kinds of opportunities for you, including many platforms where you can speak out and share your story, a multitude of tools and workshops that will help you develop your skills, and many engagement opportunities where you will have the chance to continue your community work while inspiring other youth to follow your lead.

Finally, it is important for us to receive your final report within 30 days of the end of your project so that we can share your successes with our community of young leaders, but also with our funding partners who will be able to keep supporting the #RisingYouth community service grant program each year. For all #RisingYouth Grantees who received a grant in 2020–2021, please note that the deadline to submit your report is March 19.

How do I submit my report?

The best way for you to share the success of your project with us is to complete the questionnaire that you will have received by email in the days following the end of your project. You have 30 days to complete it. As mentioned earlier in this text, this is a key element for you and for us because it concludes the agreement we have with you on the obtaining of your grant and on the execution of your project.

To ensure that your report is completed properly, a whole support team is there for you, starting with your grantee support coordinator who can help you complete this form either by phone or video conference.

We have also developed a quick and easy to use application for your smartphone via Apple Store or Google Play that allows you to fill out your report as your project progresses by simply saving it, isn’t that great? There is also the Grantee Hub, which was developed to give you all kinds of tools to make your project a success, but also to guide you through the steps and the process of your final report. Finally, we also offer webinars to answer your questions about the final report.

Of course, if you have any immediate questions regarding the submission of your final report, you can contact your Grantee Support Coordinator at any time, who will get back to you as soon as possible!

Thanks again for working for your community and sharing your successes with us!

The #RisingYouth Team




We empower youth to understand and act on the world’s greatest challenges.