
Tanzania Bound

Enough training on diseases from worms, parasites, mosquitoes, tropical dermatology, malaria, diarrheal, respiratory diseases and how to learn new languages! I must admit that some of these trainings by experts in the field gave me a little hesitancy on my own health as well as wondering how will I know enough to take care of others in Tanzania. I have had a career focused on wellness so this will be out of my comfort zone. One of the speakers said you should really teach something that you know nothing about. Hummm that is not what I am used to. I pray ten days of training with information and access to resources will allow me the knowledge and skill to stay well and to practice well.

Had a little down time this week end seeing some DC museums I had not visited and the capital. This week end was the first time since April 18th that I have had a “normal” day without a mile long to do list to be completed. I did get some business finished and did some laundry in the tub just to get into practice. Then did some re-organizing of the 3 suitcases.

Tanzanian History & Information

African is a continent consisting of 54 countries of which Tanzania with a population of 51 million is the 13th largest geographically in Africa at 365,758 sq. miles. This is about 11/3 the size of Texas; 2 ½ the size of Montana or California and 6.6 times the size of Illinois. It has been a constitutional republic since 1996 after their independence in 1964 as the United Republic of Tanzania. It was under British rule after WW I thus English is spoken and used in the school systems but also Kiswahili or Swahili and Arabic(Zanzibar) as well as over 100 local languages are spoken.

The capital is Dodoma, and Dar es Salaam (population 4,364,541) the former capital has many governmental offices and is the largest city. Tanzania is bordered to the north by Kenya and Uganda; to the west by Rwanda, Burundi and the DR of the Congo; to the west by Zambia and Malawi and to the south by Mozambique and the east by the Indian Ocean. 70% of the population is rural with 125 ethnic groups.

The shilling is $1.00 US dollars to 2,186 TZ Shilling. The economy is heavily based on agriculture with Maize, cassava( a starchy potato like yucca), rice sugar, cotton, cashews, tobacco, coffee and sweet potatoes produced. Approximately 38% of its land is protected for conservation with 16 national parks, game and forest reserves. The giraffe is the national animal and the site of Jane Goodall’s study of chimpanzee behavior began in Tanzania in 1960. Tourism is key and most well-known are Zanzibar on the coast, the Serengeti National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania. I will be Mawanza (population 706, 543) in NW Tanzania near Lake Victoria the largest lake. Industry includes mining of gold, copper diamonds, tanzanite and coal.

The main religions of Tanzania are Indigenous 35%; Islam 35% (costal and urban areas) and Christian 30% who are primarily Roman Catholics and Protestants (Lutheran, Moravians, Anglicans Pentecostals and Adventists). There are also active communities of other religious groups, primarily on the mainland, such as Buddhists, Hindus, and Baha’is

Thankful for a nice hotel, some down time and that Trina my daughter is re-cooperating from Surgery so far without complications and excellent training.

It is now time to leave the U.S. via Ethiopia to Tanzania.I’ve listened to this song over and over the past month.

“Oceans (Where Feet May Fail”

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You’ve never failed and You won’t start now

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my savior.


